Fast forward

351 8 17

Olivia's POV
I graduated from GAU a few months ago and was offered a job in New York. Being that my fiancé plays for the New York Giants, it is an ideal position. Writing for the New York Post has always been a dream and now that dream is a reality.

As I open the door to our condo, and see flowers spread along the floor leading to the kitchen, I see the biggest smile on my fiancé face.  Brian, what is this, I say.  Just a reminder of how much I love you.  I smile at the fact that he is so sweet.  You know you didn't have to do all of this, I say. 

A bit later
That was delicious and once again you have out done yourself, being my own personal chef.  Well, I know you enjoy my cooking and I love taking care of you and making you happy, besides we cannot have take-every night, my fiancé says.  Ok, you was good until you talked about my lack of cooking skills. 

After a wonderful night with her fiancé, Olivia woke up to find a rose next to her pillow and a note from Brian stating that he left for practice.  With a big smile on her face, Olivia got out of bed and got dressed for work.  On her way out of the condo she heard the television on and smiled to herself knowing this was one of her fiancé bad habits.  Approaching the television, she heard a name that she did not expect to hear just yet, "Spencer James", the new rookie receiver for the New York Jets.

Frozen for a couple of minutes, Olivia knew sooner or later she would be faced with her past, since she knew Spencer was drafted to play with the Jets.

Graduation was a few weeks away, but before that could happen, the NFL Draft would take place.  Knowing that Spencer and Jordan both were high drafts picks, rumors were that Spencer would go to the Jets.  Sure enough, that happened.  Jordan was drafted later to the same team as Spencer, keeping their bromance together. 

End of flashback

Seeing Spencer's face on television brought back a lot of memories.  Sure we spoke each time we were forced to be together because of Jordan and Brian being football players, but it took the pain of him shattering me to pieces twice a long time to get over. 

Brian was something that I never planned.  He came into my life at a time when I was broken.  I never intended to fall for him, but I did.  He was left to pick up the pieces.

Spencer destroyed me twice, the first time was when he broke up with me, told me he would always love me and then started seeing someone new in less than a month.

The second time he shattered my heart was when I told him I wanted us back and he continued to throw that girl in my face without any regard to how I felt and the fact I was dealing with the death of my father made it worse.

I guess Spencer realized he wanted me back, deciding when it was convenient for him, again thinking about himself and his happiness, not mine.

I stood up to Spencer and as much as I wanted to run into his arms, I could not because he came back to me when he wanted to and I could not risk going thru the pain again, I would not survive the pain a third time.  As hard as it was, I had to walk away from him because I could no longer put myself in that head space and risk my mental health and sobriety.

Sometimes, I feel like I don't deserve Brian because even though I love him, I will never love another man the way I loved Spencer.  I know I will always love him, something that I have come to terms with, but we can never be together again.

Brian and I have been officially together since the beginning of my sophomore year.  And I can honestly say that I never thought about being with him long term, but here we are, planning a Spring wedding next year. 

Walking into my office at work, and looking at my schedule, I see that I have to interview an athlete this morning, taking over my co-worker responsibility, as he had a family emergency today and the interview could not be rescheduled. 

I try to prepare for this interview but I am unsuccessful because of the timing and the lack of finding any prior preparation that my co-worker may have left.  I suspect he took everything home to finishing preparing for the interview, unfortunately he had an unexpected emergency.

Walking to the conference room and a bit annoyed because I have no idea who I have to interview and the fact that I am not prepared. 

Opening the conference room door, I immediately froze when I come face to face with the person I had to interview, Spencer James.  Everything I was carrying in my arms, immediately dropped to the floor.

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