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Walking over to sit beside Simone, Olivia was still unsure why she was receiving the looks that came from everyone.  Mainly looking at Spencer and baby Jalen, she slowly sat beside her sister-in-law.  The only thing Spencer scould currently see along with Jordan was red and Brian's head served on a platter.

Please tell me why all of you are looking at me as if someone died.  Thinking about Brian, Spencer whispered to himself, "Someone is about to".

Olivia, you know you are my favorite twin right, said Jordan.  I'm your only twin, and the oldest.  Please stop trying to butter me up and for God's sake, stop dancing around whatever you all know.

Handing Olivia the envelope, Spencer moved further away from her, afraid of her reaction.  She had used him for target practice with her dishes before and he wanted to ensure he and Jordan still had a career.  Both NFL players had experienced typhoon Olivia before and did not want a repeat of the past, even though her anger would not be aimed at them.

Carefully opening the envelope, Olivia scanned over the contents inside several times to ensure someone wasn't trying to punk her.  "That bastard is a dead man".  Grabbing her purse and making a b-line for the door, Olivia turned around to look at her brother and her ex and told them not to follow her.  Knowing the level of violence Olivia is capable of, both men still ignored her demand.

Stopping before she reached her car, she turned around and saw Spencer and Jordan hot on her trails.  "I told both of you idiots not to follow me".  Speaking for the both of them, Spencer said, Liv you know we cannot let you do what you are thinking.  What exactly do you two think I am going to do?  Look Liv, you know how much I love you, says Jordan, but you are down right scary when you are dam right said Spencer, because I have been on the receiving end and have a scar to prove it.  You too man, says Jordan, so do I.  While the two are sharing Olivia horror stories, she has already left, speeding down the street on her way home.

Look what you did, says Spencer, me says Jordan?  We let her escape without backup.  Well, she really doesn't need backup, we are trying to prevent her from being on the late night news for murder by kitchen utensils.

Right, let's go, I will drive says Spencer.

Rushing into her condo, she sees a smiling Brian, sitting on the couch.  Unaware of her facial expression, Olivia goes over to the couch and shoves the envelope in Brian's face.

Fast walking to the kitchen, Olivia opens the cabinet, looks for the largest flower vase she can find and slings it towards Brian's head, grazing the side of his head, now with blood slowly trickling down his face.

What the............says Brian.  Still with the contents of the envelope unknown to Brian, Spencer and Jordan rush into the apartment seeing blood trickling down Brian's face.  Oh crap......too late.  As typhoon Liv began to search for another item to knock Brian out, Spencer quickly grab her hand so knowing Liv will not do well in prison if this kept going.

Still unknown to Brian why his fiancé has murder on her mind, he loudly tells Spencer to take his hand off his fiancé.  With Spencer saying not for this point Olivia takes the ring off, walks to their patio door, opens it, steps outside and throws the ring several floors down, outside.

By the way Brian, says Olivia, ex-fiancé now. 

Finally snatching the contents out if the envelope, Olivia goes through each. 
1.  Never cheated on me right......this picture says otherwise.
2.  Never had another woman in our bed......this picture captures it all.
3.  Never got you ex pregnant.......well this says otherwise.  By the way Spencer says, she tried to say I was the father, knowing we had not been together like that for a while and the math was way off.  Sorry for your loss.
4.  Last but not least, how can we get marry when you are still married to Courtney.........Bingo says Jordan.

I thought Spencer was bad (sorry Spence that was the past), but he never would have deceived me like you did.  Just for your awareness Brian, the only reason that I decided to stay with you was because I felt guilty.

I should beat your.......for making my sister look like a fool.

Get out and I never want to see you lying, deceiving face again.  Knowing he had no comeback, Brian did as he was told.

One more chapter.  It will be a time skip.

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