Spencer's realization

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Ding, Ding, as the door bell of the beach House rang. Spencer opened the door to his expected guess.

Earlier he had asked his roommates to leave the beach house because he needed privacy and didn't want to be judged by his roommates.

As Spencer invited his expected guest in, she tried to lean in for a kiss and Spencer was taken back a little, but kissed her on the cheek. With all smiles and joy, Alicia commented to Spencer that she knew he would come back to her.

Flashback to two weeks ago
Alicia was determined for Olivia to be out of Spencer's life. As Olivia approached her car after finishing class for the day, Alicia was waiting for her flashing a stolen sonogram of an image of twins. Olivia froze as she was taken back when Alicia told her that she and Spencer are having twins. Completely broken, Olivia gathered her self and told Alicia, "I guess you finally trapped Spencer for 18 years being the mother of his first children, you are going to be raking in the money when Spencer goes pro. With a smirk on Alicia's face, Olivia said, it's gold diggers like you that throw sex at men with potential futures, but rest assured you will never have his heart no matter how many fake pregnancy tests you show Spencer. Taken back by Olivia's comments, Alicia's balled up her fist and punched Olivia in the stomach, now you can never have Spencer's child. Knowing Alicia was lying and would do anything to get Spencer back, Olivia lifted her knee and went straight towards her stomach. Alicia grabbed her stomach being in pain. Olivia opened her car door, but before she got in her car, she said to Alicia, "I may look like a princess, unlike you who has to spent hours I'm sure putting makeup on just to look average. I am naturally beautiful Olivia says. Alicia hear me when I say this, you will never be any completion for me. Just face the fact that you cannot compare where you cannot compete. And one more thing before I leave. Don't every come for me again. Remember I am half Beverly Hills and half Crenshaw. By the way, you may want to have your stomach looked at, being you are (Olivia uses air quotes), supposed to be pregnant with twins. Olivia knew Alicia was not pregnant, she was just trying to get in Olivia" head. That was a lite knee to your stomach...,try me again and I promise, I will not be so generous. "Bye, Felicia see you the next time you try something stupid. Go sell some dresses.

My Your are lucky you haven't gotten arrested for messing with a minor. Aren't you in you 30s? If not, girl you have had a rough life..........again bye you stupid desperate, well you can figure out the last word.

Current day
Alicia, I apologize for inviting you over. Suddenly the smirk on her face disappeared. I just wanted to say I never meant to hurt you, that is not how my mom raised me. You were just a distraction for Olivia. Alicia began to get upset, I came over her thinking you wanted to try again. Alicia, our relationship was never going anywhere knowing that Olivia is the love be of my life. I must say Alicia states, Olivia is dating someone else so why waste your time on her when I am here ready to be yours again, Spencer I will do anything for you. With Spencer raising his brows, he states yea I know. If you every come at my girl again with a fake pregnancy test, knowing we haven't been together in a long time, you will deal with me.
As Alicia took in Spencer's comment, she had one of her own. Why are you trying to get Olivia back when she doesn't want you. Not that you would understand, Olivia and I have a love between us that is rare. If it takes me a life time I will get her back.

Meanwhile, as Spencer was walking to his class he spotted Olivia and Brian sitting on a blanket spread over the grass feeding each fruit. Spencer's heart broke more.....time to step up my game so I can get my "future" wife back.

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