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Spencer's POV
Love.....a complicated word.  As I lay in my bed at the beach house, the last few months plays over and over in my head.  The breakup with "The Love of my Life", my attempt to move on with someone whom I tried to force a relationship with, Olivia's confession that she wants me back, Coach Baker's death, and the recent breakup with a girl who I truly was never interested in.  Yea, that sums up my personal life.

As I think about what is next, my thoughts is centered around one person, "Olivia", my person, my love, my girl.  My vision is clear, I have planned everything out, and I am more than ready to have the long awaited conversation.  As I go over what I plan to say, I smile as I am overwhelmed with thoughts of Liv in my arms again, a reconciliation that is long overdue.

Olivia's POV
It has been a few months since I confessed to Spencer that I want him back, that I want us back.  Since my confession, a lot has happened.  I lost my dad, which is the most painful experience that I have ever faced, I convinced Spencer's girlfriend to be there for him no matter how hard he tried to push her away (He is grieving my dad's unexpected death and she left him a pathetic note saying she needed to step way from their relationship), and I contacted all of Spencer friends and love ones to meet at Ms. Grace's house to let him know that he is not alone.  Unexpectedly, Alicia showed up and I decided to leave. 

As the weeks passed, I realized that Spencer was spending more time with Alicia and the hope of us getting back together was decreasing.  One particular night solidified my biggest fear.  I attended an award ceremony in which I was nominated for the story I wrote on former GAU Football Coach Garrett.  I only invited people who was special in my life as well as those whom I considered close friends.  As I'm sitting at the table with my love ones, I did a double take as I see Spencer and Alicia walking to my table hand in heart broke more than I thought it could.  That was when I came to the realization that he choose her and our love story was over. 

As I returned home, everyone came back to my house to celebrate my award......even Spencer and what ever her name.  I thanked everyone and went to my room and sobbed for the rest of the night.  Where was the Spencer that made his love confession when we were in Vegas?  I continued to sob as I thought about the numerous times he told me he would always be there.....liar........

As the sun rose thought my bedroom window, I decided to give myself a few more days to grieve my loss relationship with the man whom I thought was the love of my life, my future husband, and the father of my future children.  I was tired of waiting, tired of hurting and tired of him bringing that girl in my presence.  Truly, he is not the loving and caring person I fell in love with the first time I saw him.  Spencer James has stomped all over my feelings and doesn't seem to yes Liv, it is time to move on and forget Spencer James.

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