The Waitress, but on Twitter!

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Okay guys, as promised, here's The Waitress, but on Twitter! These "take place" right around Chapter 30 (what you just read lol). So, these posts are post-Quinn and Chase getting together (so early-to-mid Dino Super Charge). I'm not really sure how canon I want these to be right now, but they're very funny, so take them as however much canon you guys want them to be.

If you guys want me to make some more, please let me know! Especially if you want me to make some that take place during early Dino Charge, because writing Quinn during her "#1 Chase Hater" era is always fun and I feel like her Twitter would be hilarious, especially with her realizing she likes Chase (or more accurately, fighting the realization that she likes him).

Also, yes, Quinn curses some in these. It's online, Miss Morgan can't get here from there (or can she...). Plus, do NOT mind the dates on some of the tweets 😭. Dino charge does not take place in 2023. I'm very well aware. The app I'm using to make these won't show the "2h" "1m" markers on the tweets if I set the dates of the tweets to 2015 or something, so just ignore those lol. Enjoy!



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