Chapter 24 | When Evil Stirs

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"I'm starting summer school, taking a couple of business classes. I'm not sure it's what I want to do, but my parents say, "It's the best thing for me." Miss Morgan reads.

"Imagine that. Shelby, studying to be a business woman." Ivan says as he puts a burger patty on the grill.

Koda turns around. "What is "business woman"?" Koda asks.

"I have no idea." Ivan says. Quinn chuckles at her friends and brings in a few plates.

"So, Shelby is still too scared to just tell her parents "No."? I mean seriously, I thought she would go against her dad and get a paleontology degree, but nope. She's still following his orders, like some kind of robot." Quinn rants.

"Well, maybe she change her mind." Koda guesses.

"No, she's even more stubborn than I am. And for something that she's practically been obsessed with since she was little, I don't think she would give it up so quickly without her dad doing something." Quinn says.

"Order." Another worker says. He holds out the new order to Miss Morgan and she takes it.

"Thanks." She says. She turns around and passes the note to Ivan. Quinn leaves and goes to new customers to take their order.

Ivan takes the order and reads it out loud. "Uh, four Dino burgers, three milkshakes, fries, fries, and more fries! We simply can't keep up." He worries.

"Don't worry. I'm just about to interview a new waiter." Miss Morgan assures. "Thank you." Ivan says gratefully.

"So you applied to be a waiter, and . . you! You're that guy!" Miss Morgan realizes. The memory almost flashes before her eyes.

"And you're that girl." The man says.

"You saved me, and I never got the chance to properly thank you." Miss Morgan realizes.

The man waves his hand. "Oh, don't be silly. I just did what anyone else would have done." He nonchalantly says.

"So you really want to work here?" Miss Morgan asks.

"Yes, I've only recently arrived from . . out of town, and, ah, well, I could use a job." The man says.

"Great, I could use someone reliable." Miss Morgan says as she jots down something.

Suddenly the sound of plates breaking reverberates through the diner. "Oh, sorry!" Koda apologizes as he scrambles to fix the mess.

"Excuse me for one minute." Miss Morgan says. She stands up and walks behind the counter to fix the new mess.

As Miss Morgan leaves Quinn can't help but take a few seconds to look at the strange man. She had admittedly eavesdropped on the conversation and wanted to see what the man looked like. He had almost neon blue streaks in his styled hair and wore what she could only describe as steampunk chic clothing. He wore black fingerless gloves and even had goggles (that he wasn't even using) wrapped around his neck.

Quinn didn't exactly have a good feeling about the guy. It wasn't just his strange appearance that made her suspect him, but it was the chain of events that had led up to this. He had just showed up when Miss Morgan was nearly run over by a car and saved her, but it was the wish that had probably influenced him to do so. For all she knew he could be some monster in disguise or something. Now he had suddenly reappeared asking for a job from the very woman he saved. It just all seemed a bit odd to her.

She knew it was bad to judge the poor guy like this. He probably was a good guy and she was just too on edge from all the previous events of Sledge nearly taking over the Earth on an almost weekly basis and seeing her friends almost get killed each time, but she couldn't help but have a bad feeling about him.

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