Chapter 13 | Death of a Bachelorette

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Quinn walks into the base and find Miss Morgan passed out on her desk. She had several papers and other random items scattered along the desk and floor, and Miss Morgan's glasses were even slipping off her face. Quinn quickly rushes to her struggling boss and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Hm, I'm fine." Miss Morgan says as she wakes up.

"You know, if you're losing sleep over this I can help. I don't really know how to handle technology, but you could teach me if you need help." Quinn offers.

"No, it's fine. Thank you for the offer." Miss Morgan rejects.

"Hey, why are you overworking yourself to the point of you falling asleep in the base, again?" Quinn asks.

"Sledge hasn't attacked in a few weeks, so I'm completely on edge. He could strike at any moment with a monster much more strong then we anticipate and I need to make sure we're ready." Miss Morgan says.

"Are you working on a Dino Charger?" Quinn asks.

"No. I've been anxious all night about what Sledge will do this time. I've been sitting in the base just in case it detects Alien bio signs. I've been trying to come up with ideas for weapons or chargers but I can't think of anything." Miss Morgan explains.

"So kind of like writer's block except for engineering?" Quinn asks. "Precisely." Miss Morgan responds.

"Look, I don't think you should get so worked up about this. While we should always be ready, we shouldn't become sleep deprived due to it." Quinn warns.

"I know, this is a very bad habit. After some coffee I should be alright. I appreciate your advice, Quinn. Thank you." Miss Morgan says as she gets back to work.

The others walk in. "Hey, what are you guys doing here so early?" Tyler asks.

"Well I decided to get here early to check in on Kend-" Quinn says before Miss Morgan sleepily interrupts, "It's Miss Morgan." "Sorry, Miss Morgan. I saw that she has once again slept here overnight from her own worrying about what Sledge will do." Quinn continues.

"Well that isn't good." Shelby says. "Definetly." Quinn says.


After a few minutes pass by Riley says, "How come Sledge hasn't attacked in a while? He normally attacks every week, but he hasn't attacked since three weeks ago."

"You're right, Sir Riley. That fiend is preparing his strongest attack yet, no doubt about it." Ivan says.

"Well, obviously. Every time he attacks he gets stronger. I just have a feeling that this attack is much more powerful than before. And logically, Sledge is waiting for the perfect time to strike." Riley admits.

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down, mate. We don't need two people to be on edge. When the time comes we'll fight the monster, like usual. It will be fine. Besides, maybe Sledge finally realized he can't get the energems and left." Chase says.

"Chase, we should always be ready to fight just in case. Riley might be right about this." Tyler says.

Keeper appears. "Tyler is right, Sledge would and will not give up that easily. I know that from personal experience. Do not underestimate him." Keeper says.

"Sorry Keeper." Chase murmurs. Keeper smiles as he stands near Miss Morgan.

'Well, whatever happens we need to do what's best." Shelby says. "We must protect." Koda says. Quinn smiles.

The alarm blares. "Alien bio signs in the Town Square." Miss Morgan says.

"A lot of people are there. We need to hurry." Quinn says as she begins to leave.

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