Chapter 3 | Saturday Mornings Have Hit a New Low (or High?) [REWRITTEN]

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THE MORNING AFTER was not pleasant, and with how the last few days had been going, she expected today to not go so well either. After waking up at 9:00 A.M. and eating breakfast, she tried calling Shelby to talk about whatever. Not about the breaks, not about the Power Rangers or monster attacks or work, just something normal. She hoped that Shelby was up at this time. Sadly, she didn't answer. Then a few minutes later, she heard her phone ringing. Thinking it was Shelby, she answered.

"Hi Quinn," An all too familiar New Zealand accent coated the words, making Quinn sigh.

Dang it. Why did it have to be him of all people? Quinn sighed. But, she figured that since she was on the line with him anyways, she could ask about Shelby. "Hey, do you know where Shelby is? She didn't answer my call. She's normally awake at this time." Quinn asked.

Chase groaned. "Yeah, she accidentally broke her phone when you called her. I'll send a picture." He said, his grimace palpable in his voice.

Yikes. That sucks. "Really? Wow, okay." She said.

After 30 seconds, she saw the image appear on her phone and winced. Yeah, that was not salvageable.

"How did she break her phone that bad? It looks like someone smashed a rock on it." Quinn mentioned.

"I know, it's pretty bad. But that wasn't the reason I called." Chase admitted.

Quinn rolled her eyes, ready to hang up on him. "Oh, let me guess. You're going to ask for another favor, right?" She said, bitterness and annoyance seeping from her tone.

"Yeah, but this has to do with helping Koda." He said.

Dammit Koda. "Alright, continue." She said, taking her finger off the End Call button. While her tone was still bitter, it was lighter than before.

"Well, Koda doesn't know how to ride a bike, and I wanted to teach him. Although, I think I may need a little help." Chase confessed.

Quinn stilled, surprised. How did he not know how to ride a bike? Then again, it was Koda. Even though she considered him a friend, his whole background was a mystery to her. "You know, I would say it's surprising that Koda doesn't know how to ride a bike, but now that I think about it it's not." She admitted.

"So, are you going to help?" Chase asked.

"Sure, but only because of Koda," Quinn said, finally giving in.

Chase laughed. "Well, good enough for me. We'll be at Central Park. Bye." Chase said.

"Bye," Quinn said, hanging up. She sighed in relief, thankful to not hear the screech of his voice any longer. Wait. She would actually have to hear his voice a lot more today... for hours, in fact. On a weekend. She wasn't even getting paid for this. Damn it.

Quinn groaned but forced herself to get up. She made a commitment and was going to stick to it. So, she took a shower, got ready, stuck a note on the fridge about her whereabouts, grabbed some rollerblades, and headed for Central Park.

"So, you needed my help to teach Koda how to ride a bicycle? The great Chase needs my help? I feel so honored." Quinn said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

The two non-bikers were on both sides of Koda, Quinn being on rollerblades while Chase was on his signature skateboard. Both keenly watched him, making sure he wouldn't get injured.

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