Chapter 20 | One More Energem

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The tiny robot zoomed around and rolled into Koda's cave. "Red energem found." It says as it rolls back to the team. Tyler takes the energem.

"Good heavens!" Ivan says in shock.

"Awesome. It worked perfectly." Tyler says.

"And that is how Get-Bot is going to find the purple energem on Sledge's ship." Miss Morgan says.

Quinn smiles. Even though she trusted Miss Morgan a lot, before she didn't think that the robot would have worked so well, especially so quickly. Maybe we can get the energem back. Quinn thinks.

Riley leans down and takes the robot. "Yes, but. . . how do we get it into a transport pod so Get-Bot can get up there?" Riley asks.

And there's the flaw. Quinn thinks sadly.

"Sledge has the energem now. I have a feeling we're going to see him sooner rather than later." Chase says.

"We need to counter Sledge's moves with everything we've got. . . including the Graphite Ranger." Miss Morgan says as she points to the door.

Prince Phillip walks in. Shelby gasps.

"Prince Phillip!" Koda runs over with a goofy smile. Prince Phillip walks over and smiles.

"Good to see you, sire." Ivan says with a hand on his chest.

"You too, Sir Ivan. I'm ready." Prince Phillip says.

"Welcome back Prince." Koda says happily as he hits Phillip's arm.

"Koda." Ivan grits. Quinn chuckles.

"Oh, sorry." Koda apologizes.

The alarm blares. "What's going on Miss Morgan?" Quinn asks.

"The transport pods are entering the atmosphere. Here's your chance." Miss Morgan says.

"Good luck." Quinn says with a small smile.

Miss Morgan supportively smiles. "Let's go!" Tyler says as he runs for the door.

"Hurry!" Shelby says. The rangers, Quinn, and Miss Morgan run to the door.


They reach a forest and look around the area for any sign of Sledge.

"These are the coordinates." Miss Morgan says.

"But, I don't see any pods." Shelby says.

Suddenly multiple pods fly into the area. "Eyes up, guys." Tyler says as he points at the spacecrafts.

"Wow, there are a lot of them." Shelby realizes.

"Keep them distracted. Ivan, Quinn, and I will work around to the rear and plant Get-Bot in a transport pod." Miss Morgan orders.

"Be careful. They've got an energem. It's a whole new ball game." Tyler says. Quinn nods and she, Miss Morgan, and Ivan run around to the back.

Suddenly Sledge flies above them and shoots the six rangers. "Surprise!" Sledge shouts.

Tyler grunts, "Can't move!" He grits.

Sledge laughs, I am starting to see why you rangers have been so tough to beat! These energems are pretty powerful." Sledge says. He looks at his blaster, which holds the purple energem.

"Pretty powerful is an understatement." Miss Morgan says.

"Definetly." Quinn agrees.

'They can't move. I must help them." Ivan says.

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