Chapter 2 | Spandex & Monsters my-oh-my! [REWRITTEN]

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QUINN HAD ALWAYS been someone who got impatient very easily, and it definitely was not doing her any good at the moment since she had been waiting two. damn. hours. for her friends. Sure, it was fun and interesting to watch the news and see people lose their minds over the fact that the Ice Monster broke out of jail, three new Power Rangers had popped up out of nowhere, and the Rangers killed said Ice Monster almost immediately, but now that section of the news was over. Now, she was just left alone with her thoughts and the background noise of the T.V. Also, the fries had gone stale, the burgers were cold, and she had already finished all her food, alone.

She had already thought of many questions to chastise her friends, Chase, and the new arrivals with when they arrived like Where the heck were you? What happened? and then her mind went to deeper and darker places as well Are you guys okay? Did you guys get hurt? Did the monsters attack you guys?

Then she began to realize that it was a very real possibility that her friends and the others could have been ambushed by the monster - or monsters - and could be injured, captured, or worse, dead. Oh god she didn't want to think about that, but it could happen. This city was too freaking crazy and monster infested that she was pretty sure everyone was going to leave the place out of fear one day. She was pretty sure the only reason why some people were staying was because housing was so cheap in some areas and because of all the dinosaur fossils found here.

And, thankfully, not that many people had died - she was pretty sure only 5 people had so far, which was still a lot - but her mind still couldn't help but wander to the deepest, darkest parts of the human mind and wonder if it could happen to her, her family or her friends. And also, she realized that it was really not a good idea to leave her alone because this ends up happening.

So when Shelby, Chase, Koda, and the two new arrivals run in completely safe and sound, she doesn't know whether to hug them or slap them for worrying her so much.

So, instead, she settles for something in the middle. "Where have you all been?" Quinn angrily questioned. "What the heck happened! I have been waiting here for two hours! I need an explanation!"

"Well, uh . . . what happened was that we had to help a woman and her husband out of a car wreck. Then those monsters were out there and we had to hide for a long time. Then once it was clear we ran back to our vehicle and drove here as soon as we could." Shelby explained.

Quinn scanned her friend's face, and it seemed like she was telling the truth. Was she holding something back? Probably. Was she going to ask what it was? No. Because she doesn't want to invade her privacy like that because she probably nearly got killed by a monster and was traumatized by it -and she's just happy that they're okay. "Fine, but next time if that happens you call me so that I can send that monster all the way back to Wyoming. Ok?" Quinn replied, somewhat joking.

"Of course." Shelby nervously said, chuckling in response.

"I'm just glad you guys are alright. If those monsters hurt any of you guys I would have their entire fleet destroyed by next week." Quinn stated, still somewhat angry about the monster situation. "So, what are your names again?" Quinn says pointing towards Tyler and Riley.

The black haired man in the red t-shirt smiled. "Well, I'm Tyler and this is Riley." He introduced himself, and pointed to the dirty blonde man in the green shirt, Riley.

"Nice to meet you guys." Quinn said while shaking their hands. Quinn then took a sip from her half-flat soda. "So how did you guys meet?"

"Well, when they were out on the dig they needed an extra hand and I just so happened to have finished looking though Sampson Caves. I helped them and Shelby rode in my vehicle. After that we found Riley with a broken down moped and we offered him a ride. That's how we all met." Tyler explained.

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