Chapter 25 | Forgive and Forget

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Quinn couldn't believe that they still hadn't found a good person to be the yellow ranger. When they had done another test to see if anyone would save Quinn from being hit by a giant crate none of the people were good enough and half the time no one even tried to save her. The only ones that did were either attention hungry or money hungry idiots with hero complexes.

The only decent person to save her was Heckyl, who just so happened to be at the place at the same time as them. And when Heckyl asked why Chase, Riley, Koda, and Ivan were the construction workers and what was going on, Quinn had to make up some ridiculous lie about how it was for a film. And when Heckyl asked why there was no camera crew, or really any crew at all, Quinn said that they were just practicing and that the crew would be there soon.

Heckyl really didn't seem to believe them, but he smiled and nodded, and thankfully left.

Quinn really wished that they could have changed their strategy for finding the yellow ranger since that strategy did not help find a purple ranger at all, but there wasn't exactly any other good, explainable "accident" they could create that they would easily be able to control with a low risk of Quinn being killed or injured.

And it wasn't like they could just put up an ad saying, "Hey, we have a magic crystal that can make someone a Power Ranger, and if you hold it you could possibly bond to it and its dinosaur spirit if you have done something heroic. Wanna try?"

At this point, they were running out of ideas and time, and Quinn was about ready to pull her own hair out with all the stress that seemed to endlessly pile on top of her until she finally collapsed.

They needed to find a yellow power ranger, and fast, because if whatever new monsters that had showed up somehow got the yellow, and only unbonded energem, all hell would break loose. She had even begun wearing the thing in order to have it on her at all times to remind herself of the mission.

And of course, in the midst of all of this they still needed to work at the Dino Bite Cafe so that they wouldn't be suspected of being the Power Rangers. Quinn did not exactly have a good mood at the moment, but she plastered on a fake smile and took a few new customers' orders.

"Hi, my name is Quinn and I will be your server for today. Can I take your order?" Quinn asked.

"Uh, yeah, I just need another minute to decide what I want." A red haired girl in a vibrant colored shirt said.

"Oh, I want a Bronto burger with a side of fries and a chocolate milkshake." The guy in a plain red shirt requested.

Quinn wrote down the order. "Alright, and you?" Quinn asked, pointing to the tired looking female to the man's right.

"Oh, just give me a tunadactyl melt and a water." She said. Quinn nodded and wrote down the order. As she wrote it down she overheard a conversation behind her.

"Burt?" "Hey Braniac. Is that you?" "It's Riley." "Yeah, I remember. Brainiac, the whiz kid. So, I'm-"

"Alright. And, have you decided what you want?" Quinn asked the red haired girl to her left.

"Uh, just give me what he's having, except I want a coke instead of a milkshake." The girl responded.

"Alright." Quinn said, writing down the last order.

"-Back in school, Braniac thought he could keep up with me in P.E. class. Fat chance of that."

Ugh, another one of these guys. Normally when these type of guys came to the cafe Quinn would just deal with it and move on, but this one was personal. This guy, whoever he was, used to bully Riley, and if there was one part of high school that Quinn hated the most, it would definitely be guys like him who thought they were better than everyone else and pushed others down for no reason. She had remembered Riley talking about this guy - Burt - and she immediately hated his guts.

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