Chapter 6 | Dino Palooza [REWRITTEN]

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QUINN WASN NOT surprised when the others didn't come into work that day. They had to go out to some dig apparently, and that left her with a bunch of people who she barely knew. Work was quiet, at least for her, but she thankfully got through it. The customers weren't that bad that day thankfully, in fact there were less customers than usual due to a recent monster attack, and Quinn hoped that her friends hadn't been targeted again.

And thankfully, to her relief, they weren't. They were completely fine and didn't have a single scratch on them when they returned. In fact, they were smiling. It made Quinn feel less uneasy about the whole thing. When they came back Quinn was allowed to take her break as well, so she gave her friends drinks, got herself one, and sat down at their table.

And, just as she did so, Miss Morgan came by with a small wrapped box, which either held a "Hurray, you're fired!" card, or was a gift. Quinn highly doubted it was the latter. "We crushed it, Kendall." Shelby said.

"Yes, we did crush it. Because of your recent invention the museum has a gift for you, a fossil of your favorite dinosaur." Miss Morgan didn't seem like she was lying though. She was smiling and genuinely for once.

What? How? I thought Miss Morgan didn't like Shelby?

And Miss Morgan? A gift giver? As if!

Quinn was surprised. Kendall had actually allowed Shelby to create an invention and had approved of it? And she was actually giving her a gift? That was practically a miracle. "Who are you and what have you done to the real Kendall?" Quinn joked. The others laughed at the whole thing.

"It's Miss Morgan." Miss Morgan affirmed.

"Yeah, yeah. I know."

"A Triceratops fossil?" Shelby was ecstatic and quickly opened the gift. What she found wasn't anything that Quinn recognizes, that's for sure. It didn't look like any fossil to her either. What even was it?

"I don't recognize this bone." Shelby said.


"That is poop." Koda explained. Quinn thought he was joking, until Miss Morgan solemnly nodded her head and confirmed it. "Yes, Koda. It's a very rare specimen." Kendall said.

Quinn laughed. Honestly, why didn't she expect this? It was Miss Morgan giving something to Shelby for crying out loud! Nothing would go well with that. "Of course it is. You're a great gift giver, Miss Morgan." Quinn said between laughs.

"Dino dung? Ew!" Shelby yelped. She dropped the "fossil," and it broke into several pieces and covered the floor. "Now lots of rare specimens." Koda said. Everyone else in the group began to laugh as Shelby continued to try and rub away the terrible specimen off her hands. "Ugh." Shelby wiped her hands on Koda's shirt and she really couldn't look more disgusted. Quinn knew she should have felt bad, but she still ended up laughing because Shelby's facial expression at the moment was comedy gold.

"Admit it, Kendall. You're just as childish as we are." Quinn said.

"I am not childish. And it's Miss Morgan." Kendall responded. "The fact you gave Shelby dino dung says otherwise." Quinn continued to laugh as she said it and Miss Morgan didn't verbally respond, instead she just held herself back from yelling at her and stood there. Just seeing the look of Kendall holding herself back from yelling and insulting her was priceless. Her boss may have been stern, but at the moment Quinn realized she was a lot like them at heart.

Short chapter. Short episode. I'm sorry.
Quinn is more prominent later on.
Thank you for reading.

When Published: January 13, 2018
When Edited: December 9, 2018

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