Chapter 1 | Accents and Power Don't Make A Man [REWRITTEN]

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WHEN QUINN WALKED into the Dino Bite Cafe and started her shift she had enjoyed the peaceful quiet besides the shuffling of her own feet and few somber voices interrupting. That all ended when Chase Randall skated in, an hour late as per usual, smiled, and walked to the grill, presumably to burn through another tray of patties and ruin any chance of the next few customers coming back ever again.

He was lucky that this was a place that only tourists came to, and that Miss Morgan somehow managed to withstand his normal antics at the job. Flirting with costumers, leaving his post during work hours, talking on his phone, and worst of all, leaving the damn place out of no where with no explanation. This, of course, was incredibly suspicious, yet Miss Morgan always seemed to excuse it.

Miss Morgan always seemed to give the guy so many chances and let him do whatever he wanted, yet if she or Shelby wanted to do anything like go help out at the digs or do anything other than wait tables, they were immediately rejected and just forced to do more work. They always had to pick up the slack for the New Zealander and Koda, but at least Koda tried to help, was nice to her and Shelby, and actually did his job.

But Chase, Chase was a jerk. Plain and simple. Along with all the aforementioned crap he did, he was also just plain annoying and stupid. His constant flirting with any girl in a hundred mile radius, his many, many mess ups while working, and somehow managing to retain a dumb, stupid smile through it all made Quinn want to gouge her own eyes out.

Okay, maybe that was a bit much, but it was true. She hated Chase Randall, and she hated that she had to work with him for 8 hours a day. Now, it wouldn't be so bad if he just left her alone. But no, he just couldn't stop finding ways to sneak into her life.

Whether it be by Shelby dragging her to Chase while she begs for a chance at going to the digs, him trying to talk to her during work - which would lead to her throwing something at him a lot of times - and Koda and Shelby somehow managing to stand him and always bringing him to lunch and sometimes dinner. The only decent thing that came from it was making fun of him, now that was fun. For the sake of Shelby and Koda she tried to tone down her hatred for the guy, but, of course, it didn't work.

And speaking of Shelby dragging her to Chase to beg for a chance to go to the dig, Shelby was doing exactly that right now after a bad run in with Miss Morgan.

"Shelby, for the millionth time, this isn't going to work-"

"Well, I can try, can't I?" Shelby responded, tugging at Quinn's uniform and digging deeper into the hole that was already in it. "Chase! Wait up! Chase!"

"Hey, Sherry. Hey Winona." Chase said. Shelby stopped his cart in place.

"Ok, you at least got close to Shelby's name but didn't even get close to mine which is right on my name tag. Learn to read." Quinn fired back.

Shelby sighed as she heard Quinn's usual quips at Chase. "Sorry Quinn. You bringing me a present Shelby?" Chase asked.

At this point, Quinn tuned out most of the conversation, except for the part about Triceratops being the best dinosaur because clearly Ceratosauruses are better. Other than that, she knew that the same thing would happen as per usual. Shelby would ask about the dig. Chase would tell them what happens there. Shelby would ask if they could go. Then Chase would say they couldn't because of museum policy - which was a load of crap - as always.

"Look, let's just cut to the chase and check out a movie. " Chase said. Oh yeah, and Chase would flirt with Shelby, because of course he would.

She groaned at the line. "Did that line work on New Zealand girls?" Shelby asked.

"Nope, doesn't work on them either." Chase said.

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