Chapter 5 | Piece of Poison [REWRITTEN]

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TODAY HAD BEEN a pretty normal day so far for Quinn. No monsters or Power Rangers or any BS like that. Of course, she still had her guard up just in case anything like that happened around her again. But, when she heard that there were free cake samples that she had to pass out and that she could eat some herself, she jumped at the opportunity too. She wasn't alone in it either, because Shelby grabbed some too and started passing them out.

After passing out all the slices of cake, she joined her friends at the table in the middle of the cafe. "Free samples. Chef's trying a new recipe." Shelby explained.

Quinn walked over to the others. "Don't mind if I do." She reached over Riley and grabbed a slice of the cake.

Right as Tyler was about to eat the cake, Riley slammed it out of his hands. "Awesome! It's a bit tasteless." Tyler complained.

"Nobody touch it." Riley warned. Quinn dropped her fork on the plate. "Why?" She questioned.

"No cake?" Koda questioned, setting the plate down. "Chill bro, a little cake never hurt anyone." Chase assured, carefree tone in tact as usual.

Riley almost scoffed. "Yeah? Tell that to them." Riley said, gesturing towards everyone else in the cafe. Everyone else was groaning in pain and holding their mouths. These bright purple glows filled their mouths. It was kind of horrifying to witness.

What the heck? Why are their mouths glowing? Is it really because of the cake?

A monster's laugh echoed through the cafe. Yeah, definitely because of the cake.

"You guys take the front. We'll go through the kitchen. Quinn stay here and help the customers and chef." Tyler ordered.

"Got it." Quinn responded, nodding. "We'll cut him off." Chase added. He quickly ran outside with Riley and Tyler to Chase after the monster. Shelby, Koda, and Quinn rushed to the back and untied the chef.

The chef was screaming through the cloth in his mouth, but Quinn quickly took it out. "Are you okay?"

The chef stood up once he was completely untied. "Well, now I am. Thank you. That monster, I don't know what to call it. It just attacked me out of nowhere a few minutes ago. I don't know how it got in, but I wasn't able to do anything to stop it. God, I'm sorry."

Shelby set a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hey, it's not your fault. You're okay now and that's what matters."

"You, no fault." Koda said with a kind grin.

"Yeah. It's okay. Just, go back home and take a break. Relax for a bit. We'll cover you. It'll be fine." Quinn smiles at the guy, and he smiled back at them.

"Thank you. I hope they'll be okay." He looked at all the hurt people.

"They'll be fine. Trust me, go." Quinn assured him.

The chef nodded and left the cafe. The group looked around at the hurting customers. As if things couldn't get any worse. Dang it.

After the incident, they were forced to close the cafe in order to evacuate the customers and get them the best proper medical treatment they could, at the moment. Now, Quinn, Chase, and Koda had been put on clean up duty while Miss Morgan and Riley tried to figure out what had just happened.

"These are the leftover pieces of the poisoned cake." Kendall stated. She pointed down at the several slices of partially eaten cake in front of her.

"Okay. We need to record how much was eaten by each person. And then whether it was the cake or the frosting." Riley explained. "And hopefully come up with an antidote." Kendall continued.

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