(Late) One Year Anniversary of this Story!

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Um, hi, this is Angel here. I'm sorry I haven't posted a new chapter for this story for so long since I'm going in and editing previous chapters, but I just wanted to thank you all for all the support for this story.

Around this time, late November to early December of last year, I created this story just because I had always thought of new characters in T.V. shows I watched and thought of a funny idea for a character in Power Rangers. I never expected to get this much support and reads on this story and see and meet so many new, nice people with the same interests as me. I've met some great people through this and honestly this fan community is amazing.

I've gotten better with my writing over this year and I hope to get better and better. I've learned some from this story and will probably continue to make mistakes, but I'll always make it my number one priority to make the best stories possible for you guys. And if you ever want to suggest anything for my stories, or just talk to me about anything, do it. I'll gladly listen. Also, I really appreciate all the comments and votes on the story. Those make my day! It means a lot to me that you all enjoy the story so much.

Also, I do plan to and have already written some new stories for Power Rangers and have written a new story for Escape the Night. It's called Little Touches. I will probably eventually go back and edit Little Touches since ETN is very dialogue heavy due to being an improv type of show, which makes it harder to write, so midway through it I started splitting each episode into two parts, but ETN is a show near and dear to my heart like PR and if you like it feel free to check it out and talk to me about it. I also have a draft for MBAV in the works for some reason. I just got really nostalgic over the show so I started writing something.

But, that's all off topic. I want to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of this book, and I want to ask you guys what I should do for it. I've already made a little something for it for it (which I will show it a bit), but I want to know what you guys want me to do. Comment that or P.M. suggestions if you want.

Also, I think I've also gotten a little inspiration to continue this story as well and write Quinn and Chase finally getting together. I'll probably try and write that soon.

Okay, well, I can't thank you guys enough for everything. I can only hope that whatever I write continues to make you guys smile. Thank you, everyone, so much.


[I'm too lazy and inexperienced in graphics to make a gif of the intro, so I just made this

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[I'm too lazy and inexperienced in graphics to make a gif of the intro, so I just made this. Sorry.]



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