Chapter 17 | World Famous! (In New Zealand)

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At the museum Shelby complains, "But I'm scheduled to work seven days in a row! I need a break."

"And you will get a break, on day eight." Miss Morgan says.

"Whoa! Make way! Excuse me guys!" Chase says as he rolls into the cafe on his skateboard.

"Guys, someone took a photo of a UFO. Look familiar?" Chase says as he shows them the newspaper. Everyone recognizes it.

"Hey, that is Sledge's transport pod?" Koda notices.

"Photo taken by Albert Smith." Riley notices.

"Albert gives Bigfoot tours? Cool!" Tyler says as Chase chuckles.

"Hey! We need to check this out right away." Miss Morgan says.

"Yes! Albert lives in New Zealand, my home country." Chase reveals as he flips the newspaper.

Everyone laughs. "Guess we will be getting that vacation you want Shelby." Quinn says.

"Yep. Change the work schedule Miss Morgan. We're heading down under." Shelby says.


During the airplane ride everyone was happy to stare out the windows. Ivan thought it was still witchcraft, but the others explained that it wasn't and that it was just like their Zords. They had to explain this to Koda as well, but he thought it was bad spirits.

Everyone stared out the windows and listened to music. They would talk about things sometimes and had an overall good plane ride. As they got off they all admired the country's landscape. They quickly got situated and went to a shuttle. Quinn only brought one bag of a few clothes, a laptop, her phone, her chargers, and other essentials, so it was easy for her to get situated. They went to a place that Chase wanted to introduce them to.

"Okay, so here we have the sky tower! It has a restaurant on the top that rotates all the way around from which you can see all of Auckland." Chase explains. Shelby and Tyler take a selfie. "Oh, let's go. We need to catch the ferry. Come on." Shelby says. The group happily get back into the vehicle.


Once they were all on the ferry they admired the beautiful ocean. As soon as they got on the ferry Chase called his family. "Yeah, I love you mom." Chase says as he ends the call.

"Y'know, I wish we were in the South Islands so we could see your family." Quinn says.

"Yeah, well, luckily I'm going home for Christmas." Chase says.

"Oh, cool. Tell them I said hi when you see them, okay?" Quinn says as she smiles.

"Sure." Chase says.

"Dolphins!" Shelby says as she runs to the other side of the railing. "What are dolphins?" Ivan asks.

"There!" Shelby says. "There they are." Riley says. They all look at the beautiful creatures.

Koda takes off his shirt and says, "We go swim." He tries to go off the ship to swim with the dolphins and everyone holds him back. "No!" They others says as they hold back Koda.


"Is this really the right place. We're really out in the boonies." Shelby says.

"Well here, we call it the wop wops." Chase informs. They get out of the car and look at the strange setup.

"Hello? Is anybody here?" Tyler asks. "Good day . . . anyone?" Ivan calls out.

"Bigfoot tours. Yep, this is Albert's place." Chase mutters.

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