April Fools Update!

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Happy April Fool's Day everyone! This is just a little April Fools Update that I wanted to give. I'll be asking some questions for you guys that I want you guys to answer by commenting. Your answers may (probably) effect my stories and what I do with them.

1.). Should I split The Waitress up into two stories because of Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge being two different seasons?

2.) Okay, I have, like, a crap ton (11 right now) of draft stories. Most of them are Power Rangers and just ideas I have. My question is, do you guys want me to show you guys those little ideas?

Summarization of below text that isn't just complete word vomit:

Summarization of below text that isn't just complete word vomit:

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[Excuse my bad handwriting]

Do you want me to publish my draft ideas early before I really decide to write it as a story and before I decide to update them frequently and soon? Most of the time I will eventually get to those stories and write them, well probably.

Ideas I have that I don't use may be put into a plot shop where I give plots and possibly faceclaims for OCs and stories that go along with them that other authors can use. If I have enough of these ideas do you want me to create a plot shop? Comment what you think.

Over-explanation/Word Vomit (I don't know why you would want to read this but go ahead):

What I mean is that do you guys want me to post stories that are basically just cast and synopsis, possibly a prologue and chapter one, basically just ideas I have for Power Rangers so that you guys know what ideas I have? I've seen quite a few authors on this website basically publish drafts/ideas they have and have them sit there for months while they write another story. Or even later delete that idea because they decide not to write it.

I feel like maybe I should do this so that you guys can recommend what I do with the story or tell me how I can improve somethings like casting, summary, etc. If I don't have an actress chosen for an OC you guys can recommend one as well, which could help.

AND if I delete the draft because I decide I don't have enough time to write it or I just don't want to maybe I'll put some good ideas I have for PR (Power Rangers) seasons into a Plot Shop book like powerrangerscommunity did with the 2017 Power Rangers reboot, except for the actual TV series. (If you don't know how a plot shop works go to powerrangerscommunity's book Plot Shop and they explain what it is and how you use it pretty well)

I have way too many weird ideas in my head for the series and I'm going further and further into the strange and surprisingly mundane for characters, ideas, and whatever. I'm even wanting to write most of my OC stories to develop canon characters as well. Heck, I even have way too many title names at this point. I might become one of those authors that makes an entire book of free titles at this point.

[Word Vomit Over]

Sorry I rambled on for a while, I hope you understand what word vomit I just said (or just read the summary) and comment your responses. It's important you comment so that I know what you guys want to see. Yes, I know, I'm basically begging for you to comment. Sad, I know. I just want to know what you guys think I should do for this since I think it's you guys that are the most important thing when I'm writing this story and my one shots. I always want to know what you guys want to see in this story.

I'm incredibly happy and proud that this story has reached over 1,300 reads! That is insane! Thank you all so much. I couldn't have done it without you guys. I know, I sound like a YouTuber who's trying way to hard to be nice to their audience because they just reached 10k subscribers or something. (Lol) Still, when I say thank you I really mean it. I never expected any of my stories to reach 1k reads, so thank you all so much.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you all have a great day!

The Waitress ↯ C. RandallWhere stories live. Discover now