Chapter 22 | Race to Rescue Christmas

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The seven friends siting at the table laugh. "I can not eat another bi- Oh, pass me that apple pie!" Shelby says. Miss Morgan hands her the apple pie and Shelby gladly takes it.

"A Christmas Eve feast! A fine tradition indeed." Ivan says.

"Anyone else want leg?" Koda offers.

"Maybe we should save it for. . ." Miss Morgan drifts off. She looks to her side to see Koda already eating the leg. "Chase." She finishes. Koda finishes eating the leg. "Or maybe not." She says. They all laugh.

"Ah, what a great year it's been." Tyler says.

"Yes." Ivan agrees.

Tyler takes out his phone. "Oh, hey, check this out. It was the first time we met. Remember?" Tyler says.

Shelby gasps. "Oh right. You just had to get a pic of you in that dinosaur mouth." Shelby says.

"Duh." Tyler says.

"That was the first time that we found our base." Shelby says.

"And I met Miss Morgan, Koda, and Chase." Tyler says.

"Where is Chase anyway?" Riley asks.

"Yeah, where'd he go?" Quinn questions.

They hear a the familiar sound of a skateboard rolling across the floor. They turn their heads to see Chase roll in on his skateboard. He holds a suitcase in his hand as well.

"Hey guys. Merry Christmas." Chase says.

"Hey! Merry Christmas!" They all great him.

Miss Morgan gasps as she checks her watch. "You are cutting it pretty close. We have to get you to the airport if you want to make it home in time for Christmas." Miss Morgan warns.

"Cool. Alright, well. I just had to pick up a few last minute gifts before heading back to New Zealand to see my mom and my little sister." Chase says as he passes out the gifts.

"Oh, Chloe, right? Tell her I said hi." Quinn says.

"Will do." Chase says as he walks away.

"Thank you." They all say to Chase.

"Well, open them. Come on." Chase says.

"Alright." Some of them say as they begin opening their gifts.

Suddenly they hear Tyler's Dino Com beep. Everyone looks to Miss Morgan. "Don't look at me, I'm not calling." Miss Morgan tells them.

Everyone gets up and walks to Tyler. "Who could it be?" Riley wonders. They crowd around the Dino Com.

"This is an emergency call to the Power Rangers from Santa Claus." Santa says.

"Santa?" Shelby excitedly says. She grabs the Dino Com and looks at Santa.

"The Santa?" Ivan questions.

"Really? Santa? Who is Santa?" Koda asks.

"Oh, Santa, did you get my list?" Chase asks.

"Of course Chase, but this year no one may get any presents. Poisandra stole my computer. Now I can't tell which kids are naughty and which kids are nice. Who do I give presents to? Unless I get my computer back. Well. . . I'll have to cancel Christmas." Santa says.

"What? No, Santa, that can't happen." Riley says.

"You can count on us Saint Nicholas." Ivan says.

Santa nods his head. "Thank you, Rangers." Santa says.

"Let's go." Tyler says. Everyone begins leaving.

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