Chapter 15 | Rise of a Ranger

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"No." Quinn says.

"Why are you already saying no?" Chase asks.

"You're not skateboarding to the airport." Quinn says. "Why not?" Chase asks.

"Because you have to pick up all your sister's luggage and I don't think your sister wants to ride to the museum on a skateboard." Quinn says.

"She does. I'll just take a taxi or Uber there and back." Chase says.

"No, those are a waste of money. I'll just drive you there." Quinn replies.

"Quinn, your arm is still broken. You're not driving." Chase says.

"Fine, I'm at least watching you drive." Quinn says.

"Why? I'm fully capable of driving." Chase says.

"First off, I don't trust anyone with my car. Second, I need to make sure you don't crash my car into a fence." Quinn says.

"I will not do that!" Chase says. Quinn gives him a look that says "Really?"

"Alright. Besides, I'll get to introduce you to Chloe early. Come on." Chase says as Quinn tosses him the car keys. They get into the car and drive to the airport.


Once they reach the airport Chase runs out of the car. "Hey! Wait up!" Quinn shouts as she catches up to him.

"Sorry. I just can't wait to see, Chloe!" He says as he spots his sister.

"Chase!" Chloe says as they hug each other. "I've missed you so much." She says to him. "I've missed you too." Chase says.

Chase lets go and says, "Chloe, I would like you to meet Quinn. She's one of my friends and works at the Dino Bite Cafe as well."

"Hi." Quinn says.

"Hi. What happened to your arm?" Chloe asks. "Freak accident. Don't really want to go into the details of it." Quinn lies.

"Oh, okay. I'm excited to see the museum." Chloe says.

"Well, don't worry, we'll get there soon. As long as Chase doesn't crash into a wall or something I think we'll be alright." Quinn jokes.

"Why do you keep saying I'll crash into something?" Chase asks.

"Because you're you, Chase." Quinn says as she walks away with Chloe who is now chuckling.

"Wha-hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Chase asks as he runs after them and Chloe laughs.


They drive to the museum and watch Chloe and her friends perform. Chase gives Chloe a thumbs up as they finish their dance. "Thank you to our visitors from New Zealand for their wonderful performance of Kapa Haka, or traditional Moari dance." Miss Morgan says as everyone stands up and claps.

"Chase!" Chloe says.

"Hey Chloe." Chase says as he gives her a hug. "How's my favorite little sister? Wow, you've grown right out of your pants!" Chase jokes.

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