Chapter 8 | A Failure of Tremendous Heights [REWRITTEN]

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WARNING: Slight non descriptive mentions and one descriptive mention of blood in chapter. If this makes you uncomfortable please skip this chapter.      

QUINN WAS NOT SURPRISED to see Chase's name appear on her phone screen at 7:00 A.M. that Sunday. Her and her friends had gotten into a weird rhythm of dragging her along to get food whenever they were busy, but not busy enough to not enjoy "the simple pleasantries of life," as Riley once called it when he did a bad impression of Shakespeare. And, yes, she did lightheartedly poke fun at him for that quite a bit, but he always come back with something equally as embarrassing, so they were even.

Now, she was walking by some old, abandoned hospital with Chase and carrying 2 pizzas back to the cafe. She had paid for the pizzas herself this time since Chase had paid for the Chinese food last time. And, of all times to drop their food, this was the day it happened. Two kids ran past them and knocked over Quinn and her pizzas.

"Hey! Get back here! I was the one who paid for this!" Quinn yelled. She kneeled down to pick up the pizzas and muttered under her breath, "You have got to be kidding me."

Seriously? The one time I pay for food this happens? This is unfair!

"Hey! Thanks!" Chase yelled back at the kids.

As Quinn picked up the messes that used to be pizzas so that she could throw them away, a nasally high pitched voice went through the air. "You scaredy-cats!"

Quinn turned around just in time to see a weird, green and yellow skinned maze shaped monster with eyes the size of bowling balls. He looked like a cartoon come to life except a lot worse and a lot creepier. Although, Quinn didn't really want to fight this guy though. She had enough of this alien and superhero BS that had been going on recently, especially with how it kept concerning her and her friends. Why not just let someone else handle it?

"Hey, Stop!" Chase yelled. He ran after the monster and began to fight it, and Quinn groaned internally. This wasn't what she meant when she wanted someone else to handle it. She didn't want Chase to singlehandedly fight a freaking monster! Chase was crazy and stupid, obviously, and now she had to intervene because of his stupidity, so she jumped in right after him and began fighting the monster herself. Besides, she wasn't scared of this weird, large gremlin and game board hybrid thing.

She and Chase punched and kicked at the monster and dodged its several attacks. "Who are you two? Their babysitters?" It asked.

"You owe us a new lunch." Quinn said.

"Ugh, you're getting in my way." The monster complained. Chase began to speak, but he stopped himself as he ducked underneath the maze monster's weapon.

"What are you doing here?" Chase asked.

"If you were as smart as me, you wouldn't have to ask." It insulted.

Smart? Oh please. You have to be pretty stupid to go after 7 year old kids for entertainment.

Quinn clenched her fists and lunged at the monster, and Chase did the same. They tried to attack it, but were instead thrown onto the chess board. Quinn and Chase quickly grabbed a chess piece each and threw it at the monster.

"Don't you know, pawns always lose." It informed them.

"Well, this is real life. Not a board game." Quinn snarked, kicking the monster's chest. Although, her attack was quickly taken advantage of, and her leg was grabbed, twisted, and she thrown onto the chess board once again. Soon after she felt Chase land right next to her.

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