Chapter 16 | No Matter How You Slice It

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At the forest Riley checked his phone only to hear "No New Messages."

"I sense something wrong." Koda notices. "Yeah. Are you okay Riley?" Quinn asks.

Riley sighs."I was just hoping my mom would've called. She's never forgotten my birthday before." He says.

"Wow, um. . ." Quinn drifts off. "Today your birthday. I'll . ." Koda begins to say.

"Shh. It's okay if they don't remember. They have much bigger things on their minds and it's fine." Riley says. Quinn frowns. She knows Riley is important enough to be remembered and wants to tell him that, but she can't spoil the surprise yet.

"Koda, Riley, Quinn. Time for some fun, kiwi style!" Chase says ridiculously and Quinn laughs at his goofiness.

"Okay, I not tell anyone." Koda promises. "I won't tell either. Promise." Quinn says as Riley gives them a small smile.

"No worry. I think your family will remember." Koda says. "Exactly. You have nothing to worry about." Quinn assures. Riley gives a weak smile and walks away. Koda and Quinn feel bad as they try to catch up to Riley.

"I expected something a touch less, vertical." Ivan complains. "Very nice. Just like home." Chase says as he hands them the boards.

"That's one big sand dune." Riley notices. "Perhaps a bit too big, no? Anyone? Too big?" Ivan asks, clearly trying to make sure he doesn't have to go down the sand dune.

"Come on! It'll be a blast!" Tyler assures Ivan.

Shelby is the first one to go down and records it on her phone. They all go down and near the bottom of the sand dune fall off their boards.

"That wasn't scary at all." Ivan realizes. "You scream like baby pig." Koda says as he helps Ivan up.

"What did you think?" Tyler asks as he helps Riley up. "That was pretty fun, I guess." Riley says. "I'm glad you liked it." Quinn says as she walks over to him.

"I hope you got that on video." Chase says.

Shelby searches for her phone and says, "My phone. It must've slipped out of my hand. Over here maybe." Shelby says as she continues to look.

"Okay, let's help the lady look." Ivan says as they search. Quinn, Riley, and Koda go to the back of the truck. Quinn first looks through the back of the truck then gets out her phone to see if she can call Shelby's phone. Riley and Koda look in the back of the truck.

"You're better off without a phone. You waste too much time on that thing." Chase suddenly says.

"You Sir Chase are the master of wasting time." Ivan insults.

LI have better things to do. I'm out of here." Tyler says as he walks out. "Grand idea." Ivan says.

"Hey! What about my phone?" Shelby asks. "You lost it. You find it." Tyler says.

"Thanks a lot. Yeah, and you guys are no help either." Shelby complains.

"Hey, we are trying to look for it! What's wrong with them all of a sudden?" Quinn asks.

"We're looking hard." Koda says. "Look out!" Koda says as he kicks the monster behind Riley and Quinn.

"Oh, you spotted me. Better snip that in the back." The monster says as it hits Koda, Riley, and Quinn.

"Chase! Help us!" Quinn pleads. "You deal with it. Not my problem. See ya." Chase says as he walks away.

"Someone owes me a new phone. I'm out of here." Shelby says.

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