Chapter 9 | The Crown Jewels [REWRITTEN]

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QUINN'S DAY WAS alright so far, which was surprising to Quinn since no monsters had attacked in the last week or so, which was definitely a reason for her to worry. Normally the monsters attacked once or twice a week, so the fact that they hadn't attacked at all recently definitely said something. But, it wasn't like it was her problem. They were probably planning something terrible and at some point the Rangers would intervene and take them down. And besides, Quinn wanted this day to stay good and not be completely ruined by some stupid aliens.

Now, she had just finished helping Chase with fixing a broken appliance in one of the spare rooms and walked back into the cafe to see Shelby - with Julian by her side - talking to Miss Morgan.

"Come on Kendall, I mean Miss Morgan. Julian's work is great. Look at this sketch. It's beautiful." Shelby urged her. She handed one of Julian's many sketches from his sketchbook to Miss Morgan. To Quinn's shock, Miss Morgan actually seemed to really like the piece. Miss Morgan seemed almost mesmerized by it.

"I completely agree. Julian, your work is terrific. But this is a history museum, not an art gallery. I'm sorry." Miss Morgan tried to smile assuringly before leaving the two, but Julian was already hurt enough by the words after everything that had happened to him.

"Thanks for trying. But maybe it's just not meant to be. You know? See ya." Julian said, leaving Shelby behind as he walked out of the cafe. Shelby tried to call out for him, but it didn't work, and now she just looked disappointed in herself. That's when Quinn knew she had to step in and help her friend, so, she did just that.

"You tried to convince Miss Morgan to put Julian's art in the museum again?" Quinn sighed, "Look, Julian's art is great, and I have no doubt that he will become famous as an artist. But, he won't make it here, probably somewhere else. You did well Shelby. At least you tried." She put a reassuring hand on Shelby's shoulder, and Shelby gave a little smile.

"Yeah, I guess. But I'm not going to quit." Shelby said with a new aura of confidence.

Of course. Quinn chuckled at her friend. "I know, you never quit Shelby. You're even more stubborn than me, and that's saying something." Quinn smiled and she waved Shelby goodbye as she left. Good luck Shelby.

Quinn was very intrigued by this Zandar event. Apparently a princess and prince were actually coming to Amber Beach, and to her museum nonetheless! It was pretty amazing, and a good event to happen to offset every other bad thing that happened in the town. It was odd how a prince and princess would want to go to such a monster infested city, but Quinn wasn't going to be against them being there at all.

But, as Quinn's terrible luck would have it, she had been put as a waitress for the day along with a few others she barely knew. No one was even in the cafe because the people there were outside waiting to see the prince and princess.

But, the other waiters and waitresses weren't bad - not at all actually. She talked to all of them a bit and they were actually alright people. Although, that didn't mean that she still didn't want to see the event outside way more, so when it was nearing her time for a break she asked her fellow waiter, Ben, if she could take her break early.

"Hey, I'm going to check out that princess and prince of Zandar event, so I'll take my break early. Is that alright?" She asked. Please say yes.

Ben nodded. "Thanks." Quinn said, smiling at Ben. She soon walked out of the cafe and out into the open to see a long, silky red carpet leading up to a podium set in the middle of the area. Behind it was a poster for the Stone of Zandar and there were lines of people waiting behind the red ropes appropriately set right next to the red carpet.

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