Chapter 12 | Sync or Swim

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Riley and Quinn walk through the museum as Kendall reminds them, "Now remember, each kid gets a sifter, a safari hat, and a shovel, and oh let's see-"

"Hey, hey hey. Deep breaths. It's all taken care of." Riley says calmly.

"Yeah, we know what we're doing. Especially after you have been ramming the directions so thoroughly into our skulls. The event will go well. Trust us." Quinn says. Quinn nonchalantly takes the hat from Riley. He frowns and she puts the hat on.

"I know. I'm a little stressed out, but kids look forward to the museum's Fossil Fun Day all year. Now let's go over everything again." Kendall happily says as Riley and Quinn sigh.


"Ivan?" Koda questions in amazement.

"He's like something out of a romance novel." Shelby gapes.

"I. . . I really have no words." Quinn says clearly shocked.

"You have got to be kidding me." Tyler groans jealously.

"Mate, he's literally a knight's in shining armor." Chase notices.

"I come prepared for battle! Digital portraits, eh? All right." Ivan says as he puts a piece sign and smiles. No one notices Wrench and a new goon place a bomb in the museum vehicle.

"Oh, good grief. Nothing to see here, folks. The museum entrance is right over there. Thank you." Kendall informs.

"Good day, peasants. Have fun." Ivan says.

"I think we need to get some new clothes for Ivan that are a tad less. . . medieval." Kendall notices.

"I can take you shopping." Shelby says. "T'would be a pleasure my lady." Ivan says as he hoists Shelby up onto the horse.

Tyler scoffs jealously.

"Allow me. A brisk gallop through the woods is now in order." Ivan states.

"Dude, you're just going to the mall." Tyler says.

"Why don't you take the others in your motorized buggie and we'll meet you at the park." Ivan joyously says as he laughs and gallops onward toward the mall.

"My. . buggie?" Tyler mutters as he and the others get into the car.


"Hello? How are you doing today? Here's a hat for you. And here's one for you." Tyler happily says while he hands out hats to the joyous kids.

"How are you doing, guys? Come get your full." Chase says as he and Riley hand out food.

"Hey, Hey, Hey. That is a hat, not a bucket." Kendall kindly informs. The little girls sticks out here tongue and blows a raspberry towards a now startled Kendall.

"You two okay?" Koda asks as he and two kids hold what looks to be a fossil.

"Here you are. A shovel and a hat. Good luck." Quinn says as she and Tyler hand out more items.

"Oh, watch out. It's a bit muddy right here. Leaky sprinklers. Oh sorry, it's a bit muddy." Tyler says to the people.

"Do you mind if we go around. Ok, lift. Oh, thank you." Quinn informs as she and Tyler look up to see Ivan in the same jacket as Tyler.

"Ivan, you look fancy." Koda says.

"I know. It's very nice." Ivan responds.

"Yeah, looking suave, my man." Chase comments.

'It was my lady that chose my new wardrobe." Ivan says.

"Hey, isn't that my jacket?" Tyler questions. "Yeah, it looks exactly the same." Quinn notices.

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