Chapter 10 | The Return [REWRITTEN]

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THE ZANDAR EXHIBIT at the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum was surprisingly well organized. There were several items from the renowned town displayed in the museum. There was jewelry previously owned and worn by the royalty of centuries past, knights' armor, sheathed swords used in combat by the aforementioned knights, and most importantly of all, the Stone of Zandar.

It was definitely a risk to put the Stone of Zandar, which everyone in the weird superhero group now knew was the unbonded Gold Energem, out in front of the public. Although, thankfully, it was just for the day and soon enough they could take it back to their base and examine the stone further.

But, for now, they just had to sit and wait for that time to arrive as Miss Morgan gave a speech about Zandar, the events that led up to the Stone being where it is today, and the Knight who had saved young Prince Colin. Of course, Quinn had already heard the speech several times muttered underneath Miss Morgan's breath since Miss Morgan was always someone who wanted to be prepared for big events like this and practiced things till they were practically perfect down to the slightest detail.

"The Stone of Zandar was discovered 800 years ago when a young prince was being escorted by the king's knight, Sir Ivan of Zandar. While they were stopped for a drink, Sir Ivan discovered the gemstone in the creek. It is said that a monster appeared at the scene and fought Sir Ivan for the stone. What happened next, no one knows. After saving the prince, Sir Ivan and the monster mysteriously disappeared. The prince found the gemstone and named it after his country, the Stone of Zandar. It has been the most famous piece in the Zandar's Royal Treasure ever since. Thank you all very much. Please enjoy the exhibit." Miss Morgan stated. The guests clapped loudly soon after, then stood up to explore the exhibit.

Chase leaned over to Quinn and whispered, "I'll be glad when this exhibit is over, so we can lock up the Stone of Zandar safe and sound in the base."

Quinn nodded, "Yeah, it's really dangerous to have it out. Anything could happen."

And, of course, with their luck that "Anything," ended up being a bunch of men in nice suits - clearly guards - suddenly walking in and taking their stuff.

"Collect the treasures." One guard said, although it was unneeded since the rest of the guards were already taking everything away from the exhibit.

"What's going on?" Tyler wondered.

"Some guy is taking our stuff." Quinn replied. It was messed up. Weren't they supposed to send a 24 hour notice or something telling them that they were going to take their stuff back. Or, I don't know, not take it all back when they have an exhibit up that they know about?

Quinn could tell that Miss Morgan was practically fuming on the inside, but she managed to keep her stern appearance up. "Excuse me. I am the museum director. Just what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm taking what belongs to me." The voice responding belonged to a young man - probably in his early to mid 20s - wearing a fashionable dark grey suit - which was slightly lighter tinted than the others' suits. He also had a European accent that no one could really identify.

Riley stepped forward. "Hey, whoa, whoa. No, that's impossible, cause these belong to the royal family," Riley turned to look at the man and noticed the Zandarian emblem on his suit, "Oh."

"Oh," was right. Right as Riley realized it Quinn was pretty sure everyone else did as well. The Prince of Zandar himself had visited the museum to take back everything. But why did he come himself? Was it really all that important that he could not have just sent the guards and have it at that?

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