Dino Super Charge | Prologue

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Quinn was slowly getting her life together. She had decided to get a degree in teaching so that she could truly help the next generation. She admittedly didn't have the best teachers growing up and hoped that maybe if she could truly help her students she could change someone's life. After the summer she was going to go to Amber Beach University to get her degree.

While her life was planned out, she still felt like a lot of pieces of her life were missing. She missed her old friends. While she still had Koda, Ivan, and Miss Morgan, she still missed the others.

She missed Shelby, who was now off at summer school to get a degree in business (which Quinn knew for a fact Shelby didn't want to do that), Tyler, who was off searching for his father, Riley, who was back at the farm with his family, and Chase, who was all the way in New Zealand.

She had visited Riley, Shelby, and Tyler and they were able to catch up on what was happening in each others' lives. But the one person she wasn't able to do that with was Chase. While they would talk on the phone occasionally it was hard to find time to talk to each other with their busy schedules and different time zones.

Oddly enough, Chase was the one Quinn missed the most. The others she could visit, but she couldn't visit Chase. She missed their silly banter and Chase's ridiculousness. Even now she would look up and expect Chase to roll in on his skateboard a few minutes late, but would only see an empty hallway.

It was honestly kind of ironic. After a year of wanting nothing but for him to finally leave, he did and she missed him. It was the strangest thing and sometimes she would laugh at that fact.

It still didn't erase the fact that she missed him and the others, a lot.

Now, she was walking in a forest for god knows what reason even though she knew about all the strange things that seem to happen in those places.

She crushed the dry, dark leaves under her feet as she stared out into the open trail. The sun was beaming, lighting almost every object and crevice in the area. A soft breeze passed her as she walked further down the path. She felt herself relax as she put her hands in her jacket's pockets.

She looked around the area and noticed a glistening yellow object in the dirt. She walked to the shining object and crouched down. She took her hands out of her pockets and dusted the dirt off the object.

Right before her, was a yellow stone with an all too familiar design.

The first thoughts in her head were: What the heck? But Keeper never told us about a yellow energem.

She held up the stone and carefully looked at it. There was a grey carving around the top and bottom of the stone, and the middle was almost transparent, but the yellow color of the stone was still clear.

Yup, that's an energem. She thinks.

She puts it in her jacket's pocket and wipes away the dirt from the spot she took the energem from. Underneath was a dinosaur head. She studied it for a minute and realized it was a Ceratosaurus. She almost smiled at the sight of the fossil.

She took her Dino Com out of her jean pocket and pressed the button on the side. She scrolled through the Dino Com's contacts till she reached Miss Morgan. She clicked Call and after a few seconds Miss Morgan answered.

"Quinn, what is it? Did you find anything?" Miss Morgan asked.

"Yeah, I found an energem." Quinn said.

"Really? The aqua or silver energem?" Miss Morgan asked.

"Neither, I found the yellow energem." Quinn said.

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