Chapter 18 | Deep Down Under

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"I know you were all set to come back but it's vital you stay in New Zealand until we find the Plesio Zord." Miss Morgan says through the Dino Com.

"We're trying, but . . even after he bonded with the energem Albert never saw the Plesio Zord." Riley says.

"Fact: Albert became the purple ranger. Fact: The Plesio Zord must be awake." Miss Morgan affirms.

"Hey, we're about to talk to some scientist named Doctor Runga. Shelby thinks he can tell us where to start looking for the Zord. Don't worry about it." Quinn assures her.

"Doctor Runga, really? If anyone knows about Plesiosaurs it's him. Keep me informed." Miss Morgan says.

"Oh, is that the guy?" Chase notices as they look at a guy nearby.

"Wow, that's really him. I've only seen him on TV and in books. Look, guys. Doctor Runga has hundreds of fossil discoveries to his name. We have to be professional!" Shelby insists as she fixes everyone's clothing and hair.

"Koda! I thought we agreed that you were going to wear shoes today!" Shelby grits.

"But shoes squish toes. It very much pain." Koda says.

Shelby stomps off to Doctor Runga and the others follow. Quinn checks her laptop in her laptop bag and walks with the others.

"Hey! Hi." Shelby says to him from afar. Doctor Runga walks toward them and Koda rolls up the map into a telescope shape. Riley slaps his arm and Koda puts it down.

"Hey! This is a restricted area." Doctor Runga warns. "Hi Doctor Runga, I'm Shelby Watkins. I called you earlier from the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum. In the United States." Shelby reminds him.

"Oh yes, you're my competition." Doctor Runga says. "Competition? No, we're huge fans. I've read all your books, twice." Shelby excitedly says as she shows a copy of one of his books.

"You and three million other people, please. I'm a very busy man. What is it that you want?" Doctor Runga impatiently asks.

"Well, to be blunt, if Plesiosaurs were still alive, where would they live?" Riley asks.

"Let me understand. You're looking for a living dinosaur?" Doctor Runga asks as Koda eagerly nods.

"What, I know what this is. You're hunting for taniwha, aren't you?" He asks.

"Uhh . ." Shelby drifts off. "What's a taniwha?" Tyler asks.

"Uh, taniwha is a New Zealand myth, uh, like the Loch Ness Monster. It's an ancient creature that lurked in oceans and rivers." Chase explains.

Quinn nods and mutters, "Huh."

"Experts, like myself, suspect that if taniwha actually existed they were really Plesiosaurs." Doctor Runga explains as he shows his Plesiosaur tattoo on his arm.

"Oh, pretty cool bro." Chase says.

"That's a taniwha?" Koda asks as he touches Doctor Runga's arm. Doctor Runga gives him a strange look and Koda walks away.

"It, uh, does rather resemble a Plesiosaur." Ivan says.

"So . . . Plesiosaurs would have lived where? Did you say?" Shelby asks.

"Coastlines, islands, sea caves." Doctor Runga says. He mockingly chuckles and rudely says, "Good luck." He walks away for, the others and returns to what he was originally doing. "Let's get one on me in the dig." Doctor Runga says to the photographer.

"So coastlines, islands, and sea caves. That's where we'll look." Tyler says as they all decide to leave for different places.


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