Chapter 14 | Breaking Black

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Riley and Ivan were sword dueling while Tyler was doing a handstand. "Nice one." Riley says as Tyler balances on just one hand. Koda runs, flips over a rock, and flips by partially running up a tree and jumping off. Shelby kicks multiple punching bags.

"Okay, you ready?" Miss Morgan asks Chase who is already morphed. "Miss Morgan, I agree training is important, but you want me to fly through that concrete wall?"

"At least you get to train. Besides, if you get hurt you have that healing crystal that will heal all your injuries by tomorrow, relax." Quinn says.

"Exactly, except you won't get hurt. The Dino Armor X Jaws are designed to be that tough. It works with the Black energem Power." Miss Morgan explains.

"Okay. I'll give it a shot. Dino Armor X Charger, ready. Dino Armor X Charger, engage. Whoa, extreme power. Well, here I go. Spiral attack. Wow, oh, sweet." Chase says as he goes right through the wall, and one of Shelby's punching bags.

"Ah, it works great, Kendall. I mean, Miss Morgan." Chase says as the others cheer him on. Quinn and Miss Morgan point at Shelby.

"Hello?" Shelby says, clearly annoyed.

"Oh, sorry Shelby. It's got more power than I realized." Chase apologizes. "Hmm. You owe me a new bag." Shelby says as a song plays.

"Hey, that's the N-Zed Boys. They're from New Zealand. You're not one of those crazy fans, are you?" Chase asks.

"Uhh." Shelby begins to say. "The ones that know all the lame lyrics by heart? Who wear the N-Zed Boy t-shirts?" Chase asks.

"No. I'm not that crazy." Shelby says, slightly ashamed. "Oh, you weren't planning on going to their concert tonight, were you?" Chase says as he laughs.

"Well, maybe. This is the first time they've ever played outside of New Zealand." Shelby says.

"I'm gonna travel the world. Turn it upside down." Chase jokingly sings as he clicks his heels in the air and walks away as Shelby looks down at the ground feeling ashamed.


At the cafe Ivan serves food as he says, "For m'ladies a heavenly feast indeed." Shelby and Quinn stomp over to Koda.

"Have you seen Chase? " Shelby asks Koda. "That jerk is an hour late for work." Quinn adds.

"No." Koda responds. "Thanks Koda." Quinn says. "You are welcome." Koda says.

N-Zed Boys plays in the background. "Breakfast rush, done." Riley says as he smiles.

"Don't relax now. Lunch rush." Shelby says. "In other words, actual hell." Quinn says.

"Whew." Chase says as he calmly walks in.

"Chase, where have you been? I need to get tickets for the N-Zed concert tonight." Shelby says. "No worries. I'm sure they've got heaps of tickets. They're not that popular." Chase assures.

Shelby sighs as she takes off her coat to reveal an N-Zed Boys shirt. "Oh, so you are one of those crazy fans." Chase says.

"That's the N-Zed Boys, the kiwi sensation. If you were planning on seeing them tonight, too bad, they are completely sold out." The radio DJ informs.

"No, no. This was my one chance to see them in concert and now I've missed it." Shelby whimpers.

"You're not missing anything. Trust me." Chase says.

"I know you think they're lame. I got that." Shelby quietly says, clearly hurt by Chase's words.

"Hey, lighten up, man." Tyler says.

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