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Swiss goes into heat and TOP Rain helps him
When Swiss woke up he felt warm and sweaty. He overall felt off and he got out of bed and had a cool shower to try cool off but the second he stepped out he warmed back up again. He got changed and then walked into the kitchen and started making food that's when he felt slick slowly dripping into his underwear and he knew he had gone into heat. With shaky legs he walked back to his room and shut the door then ha walked over to his bed and laid down.

After a couple minutes of trying to fall back asleep he felt slick dripping onto his thighs and he was so hard it was painful. He walked over to his closet and then grabbed a couple toys and walked back to his bed. He stripped all his clothes and then sat down on his knees. He grabbed a dildo and quickly sat on it and let out a moan at the feeling and started riding it. "Aah, please, fuck." He groans and then cums on the bed and then he gets off of it. He lays back down feeling slightly better and then falls asleep for a bit.

When he wakes up again he needs to be filled up. He couldn't reach any of the toys and he was desperate so he grabbed one of his pillows and straddled it and then grabbed the head board and started rocking backwards and forwards on it. He let out loud moans but he didn't care if anyone could here him, if anything he wanted someone to come and help him he needed it so badly. To his delight he heard his door open a couple seconds later. He moved faster on the pillow and looked over and saw Rain. He looked hotter than usual, all he could think about was how he needed to be filled up. "Rain please help me, I need it so badly." Swiss moand and lays on his back and spreads his legs wide so Rain can see everything.

Rain smirks and walks over to him while taking his belt and his shirt off. "Oh, poor baby, you went into heat this morning hmm?" Rain taunts and Swiss whines. Rain climbs on the bed while taking the rest off his clothes off and he straddles Swiss. He leans down and kisses him and quickly dominates it and then reached down and pushes two fingers into Swiss who moans loudly into the kiss. Rain pulls them out and then breaks the kiss and sucks all the juices off of his fingers. "Fuck you taste so good baby, I need to be inside you." Rain groans and then lines up and quickly pushes into Swiss.

Swiss let's out a loud moan as Rain starts pounding into him. "Fuck can I knott you baby? Fill you with my kits?" Rain asks as he wraps one hand around Swiss' neck and then other on his hip and then moves even faster. "Please Rain, please. Sir please knott me I need it so badly fill me with your kits please." Swiss moans already feeling his high approaching. Swiss comes soon after but Rain doesn't slow his pace whatsoever. "Rain-" Swiss moans and quickly comes a second time.

"I'm so close baby." Rain groans, Swiss can feel Rain's knott pushing into him every time Rain pushed back in. "I'm gonna fill you up, fill you up with my kits." Rain groans, lost in please and then he knotts Swiss. Swiss comes for a 3rd time and then Rain gently lays on top of him knowing Swiss can hold his weight. "You did so good baby." Rain says and Swiss smiles. "Just a couple more seconds." He adds and then he feels his knott deflate. He pulls out and then picks Swiss up and carried him into the bathroom. He places him in the bath once it's filled and then quickly changes the sheets and then gets in behind him. He washed them both off and then they get out and cuddle in bed and sleep.

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