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Request by: BTSismylife2019
Phantom regresses during practice and everyone looks after him
Also sorry not sorry for the age regression, i really don't want to write smut rn, I don't even wanna be here tbh but I'm scraping by and this is how
I may or may not be little rn so imma write thissss
Phantom was sat in the practice room with all the ghouls and ghoulettes and they were all practising for their upcoming tour. "Phantom buddy?" Swiss asks and sees Phantom staring into nothing. "Yeah sorry, stressful day." Phantom says and then they go back to playing Mary on a cross. Their next practice song was respite on the Spitalfields and when they got to Sodo's solo Phantom watched him amazed. At the point they were meant to join back in Phantom was completely small, around the age of 7 and he was sad because the guitar looked so big and he didn't know if he could play still. He pouted and looked down and then Papa's hand was on his chin lifting it up. "Do you feel small little one?" He asks and Phantom nods his head. "Okay practice is over today everyone." Papa says, "Cmere buddy." Swiss said and then picked up Phantom and sat him in his lap on the sofa.

"I wanna hear sowlo." Phanfom whines and looks at Sodo's guitar. "You wanna hear the respite on the Spitalfields?" Sodo asks and puts his guitar on and Phantom nods his head really quickly and smiles. Sodo starts playing it and Phantom looks like he's never been happier. When the solo is finished Phantom stands up and jumps up and down and claps his hands. "I wanna I wanna." He says and runs towards Sodo. Sodo re adjusts his guitar strap and then Phantom sits underneath it on Sodos lap and Phantom holds the guitar and Sodo holds Phantoms hands and plays it using Phantoms fingers. Once it's over Phantom claps and then Sodo and Swiss high five him. "Good job buddy." Phantom squeals and then he stands back up.

"Les go eat okiess?!!" Phantom squeals and then puts his arms in the air to be picked up. "I'm tiwed." He whines and outs his head on Swiss' shoulder. "How about you sleep for 30 minutes and then you can have some food, yeah?" Swiss says bit Phantom just let's out a little snore when he falls asleep on Swiss shoulder and Swiss and Sodo walk into the living room and let Phantom sleep on Swiss' lap for a bit.

Phantom yawns and then lifts his head up and looks at Swiss. "Good morning." Swiss says and then Phantom smiles. "Are you still small?" Swiss asks and Phantom bites his lip saying 'yessss' so Swiss decides to have TICKLE FIGHTT. Sodo joins in as well and Phantom let's out loudd cute giggles and squirms. "Stopp daddy." Phantom slips out and Swiss smiles and slows down then stops. Phantom then gets up and runs away. "Phantom- Phantok come back. What's wrong baby?" Swiss asks and Phantom turns around shyly and looks down. Swiss crouches down in front of him and Phantom starts crying. "Whats wrong baby?" Swiss asks and Phantom wipes his eyes. "I didn't mean to call you daddy, please don't be mad at me." Phantom cries and Swiss hugs him tight and picks him up. "I'll never be mad at you for calling me that." Swiss assures him and Ohantom smiles and sniffles. "So I can call you daddy?" Phantom asks and Swiss smiles and nods. "Of course baby, as long as I can call you my baby." Swiss asks and tickles Phantom again. "What about you?" Phantom asks Sodo and Sodo smiles. "Whatever you want baby." Sodo says, "Now how aboit we go eat!!?" Sodo says and Phantom nods, jumps down from Swiss arms and then runs towards the kitchen.

A few hours later after they had eaten they were now laying in bed watching bubble guppies. "Bubble bubble bubble, gup gup guppies. Bubble bubble bubble, gup gup guppies." Phantom sings and dances and then giggles and lays back down. " 'm tired." Phantom whines and then wraps his arms around Swiss and holds Sodo's hand tight. "You can sleep baby, well be here when you wake up." Swiss says and Phantom quickly sleeps.
The end.
I'm sorry dis is bad, I'll write a better one when I'm not little I promsieee

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