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Aftercare kinda
The ghouls had been acting different all week. Tonight was a hunters moon, which was much stronger than a normal full moon and affected the ghouls stronger.. much stronger.

Aurora and Phantom had been taken somewhere for this moon. Nobody but sister Imperator and 2 sisters knew where, in case anyone tried to go to them. They were still getting used to the normal moon so they won't be able to control themselves this moon, and its pretty difficult to cover up a whole building of murders to the police.

No ghoul could control themselves during this moon. Sodo, who usually was fine during a full moon, his eyes wouldn't slit or anything, definitely got affected the worst. Since he woke up this morning he had been trying to fuck you and the other ghouls were the same too. Their breeding instinct was much stronger, and they feel like they will die without finding their mate. Some ghouls do, but not in the ministry. You had been strictly instructed to not fuck the ghouls. You could be around them but you had to be cautious and cover up your smell. And nobody would tell you why.

"Y/n, please?" Rain whimpers from where he is kneeling on the floor. "No, Rain, I'm not allowed. Sorry." You say, feeling sorry for all of them. "Please!" He shouts, and you sigh. "No!" You shout back at him, and he whines then growls and pins you to the couch. "Stop it!" You shout and quickly push him off of you, then you get up and go to your room. You sigh, annoyed from how whiney and bitchy they all are today, its been annoying you a lot. But you also feel sorry for them, only being able to assume how bad they feel.

You heard knocking on your door, and you sighed loudly and opened it, seeing Swiss stood there. Somehow, Swiss had mostly been able to control himself. His eyes weren't slitted, yet, and he was able to think straight. "Hey, how are you?" He asks, and you smile. "I'm okay, how are you?" You ask, and he just tilts his head.
"Right - sorry." You say, and you both laugh. "Just ignore Rain, okay? And the rest of them. Don't let them get to you." He says, and you nod. "I know they can't help themselves, it's just annoying." You say, and then he nods. Then, like a movie, your curtains shift, and the light from the moon shines into your room. You see Swiss's eyes slit and he lets out a low growl.

You quickly try to shut the door, but he is much stronger and quicker than you, and he pushes it open, and you fall backwards. "Swiss, stop." You say as he pounces on you. "Please, y/n?" He taunts, mocking Rain. "Swiss, no, I'm not allowed to." You say.
"But you want to." He growls, starting to rip off all your clothes. "Swiss stop!" You say, not really putting in any effort to get him off of you. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

He growls again. This time, his voice is different. His demeanour is different, and you quickly become scared. When he senses your fear, it only makes his chuckle. "You're scared of me? Really?" He teases and then snaps his fingers, and his clothes disappear from his body. "Wha- how?" You ask, quickly being cut off as he thrusts into you. You let out a scream of pain. Swiss had fully unglamored inside you, humans aren't designed to fuck ghouls. His cock had grown to be about 10 inches, not all of it could even fit inside of you and he groaned as he tried to push more inside of you. You let out another scream as he pushes more inside you, almost breaking you. "Stop- Swiss, you can't." You cry out, but he isn't himself. He isn't Swiss anymore. He's just a hellish creature. He doesn't have a personality. His only thought is to breed, and that's what he'll do.

You lay there and take it as Swiss thrusts into you. After a couple minutes, it stopped hurting, which you never expected, but you weren't complaining. Your body was definitely creating the lubricant it needed to take him, and you felt amazing. Not only had he grown in length but also in girth as well. You had never been stretched this wide before, and it felt amazing. You let out a gasp as you felt his tail slide in behind his dick, not having any voice left to let out a moan, and he laughed in his hellish accent. "The nights still so young and your already so fucked out you can't speak. How cute." He taunts, you let out a whine and then a small moan as he pulls his tail out and thrusts it into your ass.

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