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Sorry to anyone who has requested something, I'm trying to get them written
TW:Near suicide, sh, talking out of jumping, giving up, ed
"I'm so tired of everything." You mumble and then get up and you grab your blades and then walk out of the back door of the ministry. You walk down the road that is still on ministry grounds and then to the bridge. The bridge is over a waterfall and the height to the water is about 50ft and the water fall is giant. You sit down on the ledge, not putting your feet over yet and then grab your blade and take your jumper off and then slice as deep as you can into your arms. There's blood pouring onto the floor and you smile, a sick, sad smile. Finally it's all over, no one is here to convince you out of it and you turned your phone off. You take off your shoes and then put your phone and jumper (neatly folded) down on top of them, then you climb up over and put your feet on the small but of ledge that is on the other side of the rail.

You look down at your fate, all your pain goes away when you let go of the railing. All the mental pain, no more family problems, no more stress, no more pain no more suffering, you're letting yourself go, freeing yourself from a lifetime of pain and suffering. "Y/n?" You hear Swiss's voice from the edge of the bridge. "Go away." You say to him and realise you'd started crying. "Y/n get back to the other side, it's all going to be okay you can do this." Swiss says and walks closer to you. "Stay back, just let me go." You say and then let one foot hang over the edge. "No! Put you foot back on you can do this." Swiss repeats and you let out a manic laugh, "No I can't! Why do you think im at this fucking bridge because I can't fucking do this anymore, I can't do this I'm sick of this, I am setting myself free." You say and then let go and then Swiss uses his ghoul speed to catch you and pull you back over, then the other ghouls and some doctors come towards you, the ghouls running the doctors in cars.

"NO JUST LET ME FUCKING GO I CANT FUCKING DO THIS!" You shout and then let out a heart wrenching scream and start wailing so loudly. "Fucking let me die." You whisper, feeling the sleepiness from the drug one of the doctors injected and then you fall asleep.

You wake up in hospital a few hours later. Your arms bandaged and your brain foggy from the medicine. There's iv drips in your being giving your fluid and nutrition, they know. You realise that you're in a hospital gown and that your shape is visible through it, no more baggy clothes to hide your weight they know. You lay there and cry. You hear shuffling  behind you and then see Sodo and Swiss stood next to you. "Why?" You question and Sodo starts whimpering trying not to cry and Swiss hugs him and also tears up.

"Because we love you, and we don't want to live without you." Swiss says and you turn over and then fall asleep in the bed again. Then you get better then end.

I wrote the beginning and most of this while I was very close to attempting a few hours ago so idk what this says or if it's good

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