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Also sorry I haven't been uploading that much at the minute.
CW: bottle feeding. If you think is weird then please click off and don't give hate.
"Phantom?" Sodo coos Phantom and Phantom turns to him and smiles. "I'm big." Phantom says in a very little voice. "You are now hmm?" How about we finish practise early and go play with your toys?" Sodo asks Phantom and he shakes his head "Wanna practise." Phantom mumbled and looks down and Sodo nods. "How about you watch?" Sodo asks and Phantom sighs and nods, he knows he's too small to play right now.

Phantom puts down his guitar and then sits and watches and they then soon start playing Respite on the Spitalfields. Phantom squeals and cheers when the solo starts playing and he seemingly relaxes and smiles. Sodo finishes the solo and Phantom frowns but doesn't say anything. Once practise is over Phantom gets up to leave but Sodo calls him back. "Do you want me to play you the solo?" He asks Phantom and Tommy nods and smiles, clapping his hands. Sodo then plays the solo and Phantom bounces in his seat and watches Sodo with hearts practically shooting from his eyes.

When the solo finishes Tommy walks over and high fives Sodo and Sodo smiles. "Wanna go watch movies and play with your toys?" He asks and Phantom smiles. Phantom jumps up and runs to his room, Sodo trailing right behind. "Dino. Dino!" Phantom squeals and grabs his toy dinosaur, Jacob, from his toy box and roars at Sodo. They play for a while until Sodo sees Phantom becoming sleepy. "Do you want a milk bottle?" Sodo asks and Phantom shyly nods. Sodo goes and gets a bottle of milk and heats it up a bit, then goes back to Phantoms room and sits Phantom in his lap, feeding him his bottle while gently singing to him. This quickly puts Phantom to sleep and he has a nice nap.

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