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TW: crying, nightmare
This is a little story too
"Haha look at you, you fucking idiot." Someone shouted in your ear. You turned and felt a fist hit the side of your face and you fell down. Then you felt boot kicks all over your body and you started crying.

You partially woke up and you so desperately tried to get yourself out of the situation but you were stuck. You could feel yourself grabbing at your pillows making a literal attempt to try get out and you made a crying sound but no tears came out. You eventually managed to wake up and you immediately started crying. You looked over and saw Swiss looking at you confused. "Awe baby was that a bad dream?" He asked, he looked hurt and you crawled over into his lap and started crying your eyes out. "Awe baby what's wrong?" Swiss asks and you feel not Swiss' hand stroking your hair. "I had bad dream, I don't feel good." You cry out and you hear awee and you're picked up by Swiss and he cuddles you into his chest.

"It hurts Swiss. My heart hurts so badly." You cry out. "It's okay baby, I've got you. Nobody can ever hurt you like that okay." Swiss says and you nod. You slowly stop crying and then Sodo, who has been rubbing your back, hands you some tissues and you clean up your face.

"How are you feeling baby?" Swiss asks. "Small." You whisper. "How about we go get your dummy (pacifier) and then we make you some warm milk?" Swiss asks and you smile a nod. You look outside and see the sun is still asleep and you sigh. Sodo then picks you up and you all start walking to the kitchen. Swiss hands you your dummy and you immediately take it and it relaxes you.

Swiss makes you some warm milk in your sippy cup and you are shifted to be held like a baby in Swiss' arms as he feeds you. And despite your fear you manage to fall back asleep into a sleep with no more nightmares.
Okay I know I said I was going to start writing again but rn all I wanna write is angst still and its so graphic that I don't even wanna post that. I just had a nightmare and this story in my opinion is post-able so yh, take what you get i guess. My brain isn't working atm so I'm still not writing but I'm trying to.
(Also the nightmare here wasn't my nightmare)
Also I'm still half asleep so sorry if this is like so bad xD

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