Chapter 2: The Promise

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Luigi Pov:

When I had finally return to the normal world I realized that it had became dark. My parents must be worry about me so I head straight home.

When I got home though my little heart got crush to see none of my family were freaking out about me being missing. They were all just watching a movie.

I decided to just head to my room for the night and try to get some sleep so tomorrow I can see bowser again must faster.

When the next day role around I ate my breakfast.

Luigi: So brother got any plans?

Mario: Yes Mama and Papa is going to take me out again

Luigi: Really!? Can I come too?

Mario: Sorry Luigi maybe next time

Luigi: Oh Ok then well have fun brother see you when you get back

Mario: Ya see ya and don't worry when we get hit back I will tell you everything that happen

With that Mario Left again leaving me with my uncle who is still sleeping.

I ended up leaving to go see bowser. I found the pipe and went threw it to see Bowser and Kamek waiting for me.

Bowser: You came back

Luigi: Of course I came back I promise after all

We ended up playing around for a little bit before Kamek pull us in for a snack.

It been this way for almost a year. If I don't have any plans I would sneak away from the house just to go hang out with bowser but sadly things couldn't stay like that forever as we got horrible news.

Bowser: Luigi can't you believe it I'm going to be crown king tomorrow

Luigi: Ya I can't wait to be there

Kamek: Prince Bowser I have something horrible to discuss.

Bowser: What is it?

Kamek: The portal is closing. Luigi needs to go back to his world before he get stuck here forever

Luigi & Bowser: WHAT!?

Luigi: Does this mean this is the last time I'm going to see Bowser?

Kamek: I'm afraid so

Bowser: But I don't want luigi to leave is there another way?

Kamek: Unless Luigi find another portal from his world to ours I'm afraid this is the last time your going to get to see him

Bowser: But But He can't leave I don't want you to leave. I don't want to loose my first and only friend

Luigi: Bowser I promise we will find a way to see each other again. Do you still have your friendship Bracelet?

Bowser: Of course I do I never leave without it

Luigi: If you ever feel lonely or sad look at it and remember that promise

Bowser: Just promise that when you do find away back here to come find me.

Luigi: I will goodbye Bowser and thank you for being my first and only friend. You were there for me when I needed it the most and now I'm being force to leave without even seeing you being crown king. I feel like I'm a disappointment right now

Bowser: Hey Hey don't say that remember what I told you. Never let people get to you, always think of the positive

Luigi: I will try but what if I don't find another portal and don't get to see you again? What if I forget about this place and the memories we hold

Bowser: Do You have your friendship bracelet still?

Luigi: Yes I do

Bowser: Then when you feel like your forgetting then look at the bracelet. This is are only way to remember each other

Luigi: Yes Yes your right I promise I promise that we will figure this out

Kamek: Luigi its time

Bowser: Right Now do we still have time

Kamek: I'm sorry but if Luigi don't leave right now they're going to be stuck here forever

Luigi: Then I guess this is goodbye for right now but I bet we will see each other again

Bowser: Yes I know we will goodbye Luigi

Luigi: Goodbye Bowser

With that I came back to my world. I turn to see the magical pipe gone and realized that I might never see bowser again. I head home and went to my room before anyone saw me.

I ended up crying for the rest of the day and even cry myself to sleep. I just lost my best and only friend in the world and I don't even know if I will ever see him again.

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