Chapter 3: Starting To Notice

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No One Pov:

The next day roll around and bowser was crown. Luigi was happy for him and so were his people.

Luigi: I'm so happy for you bowser but remember that crown comes with a lot of responsibility.

Bowser: I know Luigi. Kamek already gave me this talk.

Luigi: So what should we do now?

Bowser: Well we celebrate.

After that Luigi and Bowser started growing up together. Luigi would help bowser out when he need it and Bowser would try and stay by Luigi side even though it gets hard sometimes.

While growing up together though they started noticing things when they and bowser people visit other kingdoms.

People and creatures would whisper and look at them like monsters. They would yelled at the koopas and bowser for just trying to act like anyone else. They would also say the meanest of things too.

Person 1: What are they doing here?

Person 2: Did you see those monsters coming into the kingdom?

Person 3: Ya and I heard they kidnap someone and there human too.

They would also treat the koopas bad when there trying to buy something.

Owner 1: We don't serve your kind.

Owner 2: Sorry but I think you got the wrong place. Creatures like you should be buying there food in the trash.

Owner 3: I'm sorry but you will have to pay extra

Owner 4: Sorry if you want to order food then you will have to prepay before getting it.

These are just the few things that people and ownsers would say to the them just because they were born koopas.

If someone get into a fight with a koopa, they would just blame the koopa even though most of the time they don't even start the fights.

Luigi ended up going to a library and learn that in the past koopas were nothing but slaves until the great war happen. Now people just treat them as monsters even though they did nothing wrong.

It wasn't until that day is where everything change.

Luigi Pov:

I was heading into a Kingdom to pick up a few things for the chef. I hate going in town alone but bowser was held up with a few things in his kingdom.

While walking around I heard a cry for help. I turn to see a little koopa who seem to have lost his parent. I started walking up to the kid when I saw three guys came out of no where and took the kid in an alleyway.

I freak out and ran to that alleyway and I over heard them talking about abusing and selling off the kid. I couldn't let that happen.

Luigi: Hey leave the kid around

Creature 1: Hey look its a human

Creature 2: Get out of here human. This doesn't bother you.

Luigi: But your hurting a child.

Creature 1: Why does it matter there a koopa. Koopas are just monsters and they should all die.

Luigi: Just because there a koopa doesn't mean for you to go out and try to attack them.

Creature 1: Why does this even bother you?

Creature 2: Wait now looking at you, you look kind of familiar

Creature 1: Looking at him yes he does

While they started talking about me, I was able to get the kid away from them without them noticing

Luigi Whisper: Go get bowser for me now

Koopa kid: *nods* *Runs Off*

Creature 2: Great the kid got away

Creature 1: Wait now I know where your from. Your that human pet that the new koopa king brings around

Luigi: I am not his pet. I am his friend.

Creature 1: Oh really well then I guess you won't mind us teaching you a lesson

With that the two guys started walking to me.

Luigi Mind: *gulp*

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