Chapter 3: Time Flies

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No One Pov:

Time Past Quickly as days became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years.

Luigi at first tried to find a portal so he can see bowser again but couldn't. He always wonder what bowser is up to and if he doing ok without him.

Though over time luigi started to question if it was all just a dream and that bowser wasn't real at all. He told Mario about Bowser and the other world but mario didn't believe him and even told Luigi that magic isn't real. He even told Luigi that he might of dream everything even though to Luigi everything felt so real.

But when he started getting older he had started to believe it was all just a dream or even in his head. Even though he might of thought it was a dream he would always check and even tough his friendship bracelet in hopes he was wrong.

Soon enough that bracelet became Luigi lucky charm and that even though it might not fit him anymore he would carry that bracelet in his pockets for good luck.

Mario ended up wanted to become a plumber and Luigi ended up following Mario in that work too though there will always be that hope that he might find a pipe that would lead him to bowser.

They started working for a company but after the boss bullied Luigi for his own brother mistakes Mario ended up had enough and had even spend there own saving on a commercial so they can start their own plumber business.

Of course there parents weren't happy about this and even yelled at Mario. They said that Mario is just going to end up failing and would be pulling his little brother with him.

That is when it happen.

Luigi Pov:

I trust my brother a lot even though he does do some questionable things sometimes like how right now I am being force to help him stop Brazil from floating.

All we needed was to fix a pipe in the middle of Brazil and the place would of been saved but of course we both ended up falling deep into the pipe lines.

I love my brother I really do but I am also disappointed in myself for not standing up for myself and saying no to him sometimes because now he are lost underground somewhere.

Mario: Great Now how are we suppose to get out of here. There have to be a latter or something hey Luigi mind helping me. Luigi?

I wasn't paying attention to Mario for the purpose of I feel Like I have seen this pipe before and not only that it seem to be trying too suck me in like the pipe in my dreams.

Mario: Luigi What's wrong?

I turn to Mario before turning back to the pipe. I slowly walk closer to the pipe as I felt air being suck into the pipe. Mario had also decided to walk up to me before feeling the pipe trying to suck him in too.

He look at me and was about to say something when all of the sudden the pipe literally try sucking me in. I scream and tried to get out of there, Mario grab my arm and kept telling me that everything is going to be ok as long as we stuck together.

I ended up accidentally taking Mario with me as we both were suck in. Mario and I tried to stay together but the in the end we were separated and before I realized it I black out before seeing where I would of ended up at.

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