Chapter 8: Case Of A Broken Heart

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No One Pov:

After the great meeting bowser was leaving the throne room when he saw his favorite flowers on the floor. He don't know where they came from but he did pick them up and brought them back to his room.

It been a day or two since anyone saw Luigi and it worry the kids to the point they tried to check on him but when they try opening his door it was lock.

Jr.: What do we do?

Lugwig: Lets go get dad maybe he can help.

The kids all went to where there dad was who was trying to practice how he would ask peach to marry him.


Bowser: What kids? Dad is very busy right now.

Iggy: What are you doing?

Bowser: Well I'm practicing on how to ask your guys mother to marry me


Bowser: Yes Her name is Princess peach you guys are going to love her


Wendy: Umm dad have you umm see Luigi as a lately?

Bowser: No I haven't why?

Roy: He missing

Morton: No he not we are just worry about him

Bowser: Do you know where he is?

Jr.: We believe he is in his room

Larry: Yes but the door is lock

Lemmy: And he not answering when we knock or call for him

Bowser: That doesn't sound like him, maybe I should go take a look

Iggy: Yes you should

When Bowser left though all of the kids look at each other with a worry look.

Roy: So we are getting a new mother?

Jr.: I don't want a new mama. I want mama Luigi

Larry: I agree maybe dad will change his mind

Wendy: I doubt it. Maybe that why mama Luigi is acting weird I mean we all have seen the way he looks at are dad.

Iggy: He properly overheard him talking about marrying peach and left. Maybe he left the castle for good

Lugwig: Don't say that. Never say that. Mama Luigi would never leave us

While the kids talk, Bowser went to go check on Luigi.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Bowser: Luigi its me bowser can you open up?

There was no answer which made bowser worry more.

Bowser: Luigi answer please or else I will have to break down this door.

Again there was no answer. He then broke down the door to see Luigi past out on the floor. He was also bleeding from the head.

Bowser: LUIGI!?

Bowser ran to him and pick him up to see bags under his eyes and his eyes look red like he been crying for hours and hours on end. He ended up running to Kamek.

Kamek: Oh my gosh what happen?

Bowser: I don't know. The kids were worry about him so I went to check on him. When he didn't answer the door, I broke it down and found him like this.

Kamek then took Luigi and place him down on a bed before checking him out. After healing him, he sat bowser down.

Bowser: So if he ok?

Kamek: He is. He must of fell off of his bed and hit his head. Good thing you brought him to me now onto the bad news.

Bowser: Bad news? There's bad news!?

Kamek: It seem Luigi is suffering threw something called a broken heart. He going threw a lot of pain right now and that he shouldn't be alone.

Bowser: He can stay with me then. It can be like old times when we share a bed together

Kamek: Well then its best if you bring him back to your room alright?

Bowser: Ok

With that Bowser took Luigi back to his room before laying him down on the bed.

Bowser Mind: He will most likely be hungry when he wakes up so I am going to bring him some of his favorite snacks.

After that Bowser left to the kitchen.

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