Chapter 11: Meeting The Kids

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Luigi Pov:

Bowser had ended up taking me by the hand and pull me onto my feet.

My leg is a little sore but other than that I think I will survive. He then took me a Section of the castle that I didn't even know about.

Then he took me to a room. When I got there I saw eight koopas playing around each other.

When they look up and saw bowser they all scream dad. They were all asking him to play with them and just hang out with them.

Bowser: I will start hanging out with you guys soon I promise but the reason why I came here is because I want you to all meet someone. You can come in now Luigi.

I took a deep breath in and out before walking into the room. They all look at me and I didn't know if they like me or not.

Bowser: Kids this is Luigi. He my old friend that was sadly taken away from me long ago. Luigi these are my kids. This is Larry, this is Roy, this is Lemmy, this is Lugwing, this is Iggy, this is Morton Jr. but please call him Morton, this is Wendy and she my only daughter, and this young one is Bowser Jr.

Luigi: Hello my name is Luigi its nice to meet all of you.

Roy: He looks weird

Lugwig: He looks human. Are you a human?

Luigi: Ya I'm human

All of the kids: Woah

Jr: Well are mom is human too

Luigi: Your Mom?

Wendy: Ya dad said that are mom is a princess and he going to ask her to marry her soon

Luigi: Really!? Well that great news well I did heard he had a fiancee but you haven't ask her to marry you yet?

Bowser: N-no not yet but I am going to soon and she most likely going to say yes.

Luigi: Wow well I'm glad to meet you all. You all look brave, smart, and even strong. I kinda wish I have a family like yours.

Lemmy: Then Join us

Luigi: I don't think that how it works sadly

Morton: Dad are you going to stay and play with us now?

Bowser: Sorry kids but I have so much work to do right now.

Everyone: Awww

Luigi: Hey how about I play with you while your dad get work done how about that?

Iggy: That would be amazing thank you

Larry: Ya and I get first dips

Wendy: What no I get first dips

Morton: No I get first dips

The kids had started to fight a little bit and bowser just gave me the apology look. I gave him I understand look.

Luigi: How about we all play a game together?

Jr: Ya and the winner gets to play with Luigi first

All of the Kids: That a great Idea

Bowser: Well I'm off you guys have fun

With that bowser left. I sat down with the kids and had started to play dome games with them. They started talking and telling stories on how they want to grow up strong like there dad.

After a while though I notice all of them were getting tired.

Luigi: Alright I think its time for bed

All of the kids: Aww

Wendy: But I want to play with you more

Lemmy: Ya we rarely have someone play with us

Lugwig: And the guards aren't that fun

Luigi: How about I tell you all a story before bed?

All of the Kids: Ya

They all grab there sleeping bags and choose to sleep in the play room together.

Luigi: Well Long ago there was a little boy who didn't have the greatest life. There parents wouldn't pay attention to him and would often leave him alone for his uncle to be the one to take care of them. One day the kid decided to take a walk when he found a portal from another world. He met a very kind and strong prince from the other side. They both became friends and soon enough the boy fell in love with the prince and one day had the courage to ask him out on a date.

Wendy: Did the Prince Love him?

Lemmy: Windy Shhh

Luigi: When the boy went to the prince, he saw the prince kissing a princess. The boy felt heart broken but pretend that everything was fine and made sure the prince had a happy life.

Larry: What Happen to the kid?

Luigi: Well Umm The kid my had lost the love of his life but he didn't loose his courage. He gave the prince and princess the best life they could of ask for but then something horrible happens. It turn out the princesses was just using the prince for her own selfish game.

Wendy: That Horrible

Roy: What Happen?

Luigi: Well The princesses had a plan to take control of everything but the kid from the other world had stop that plan and won the prince heart. They got there happy ended while the princesses got her karma.

When I look up I saw most of the kids were sleeping. I smile as I slowly got up but then I notice Jr. wasn't a sleep.

Luigi: Jr? You ok?

Jr: Will mom read us bedtime stories when she finally comes home?

Luigi: I'm not sure but I am sure that she going to love and care for you all like a mother always should do. Goodnight Jr.

Jr: Goodnight Luigi

With that I left them as I went to go find bowser. I still have questions that need answers and I just hope he not that busy so I can ask him these questions.

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