Chapter 5: They Meet Again

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Luigi Pov:

I was being pulled and push threw out the Dark Lands. I could feel other creatures looking at me and even whispering.

I feel like my soul is being taking away. I feel tired but also wide awake. My feet hurt and I want to rest but when ever I stop I'm ether pulled or push and sometimes hit.

When they hit me it just make me remember all of those times those bullies hit me and push me around because I wasn't strong.

Before I even knew it though I could see a castle up ahead. I couldn't help but start to freak out as this castle started to make me think the most horrible things.

Luigi Mind: What going to happen to me? Are they going to torture or kill me? Are they going to lock me up? What if they do something worse.

Even though I was freaking out, there was a part of me that wasn't. I don't know why though but there was a part of me that make me think I been here before and that I knew that nothing bad is going to happen to me.

I don't know why I am feeling like that though because even though my mind is giving me the worse out comes, there was something in my heart that was telling me otherwise.

Bowser Pov:

Koopa Soldier: Sir some of the shy guys have brought in a prisoner. They were in the Dark Lands and apparently they were being case by some of the Dry Bones into an old building that some of the shy guys call there home.

Bowser: Bring them in I would like to see this so call prisoners that so happens to be trespassing in are Dark Lands

Koopa Soldier: As you wish your majesty. Bring in the prisoner.

With that two of my Koopa guards open the door for some of the shy guys. They were pulling the prisoner in and when I saw them I felt like I knew them from somewhere.

The prisoner was a human and not only that but he was wearing something similar to the guy who is hanging around my princess. Even though I should feel angry and maybe even in rage but for some reason I don't.

There something different about this prisoner something familiar but I can't put my claws on it.

When the prisoner was push in front of me, the shy guys all bow before leaving.

The prisoner was shaking in fear which made me smile a little bit but also made me feel guilty. Why am I feeling like this.

Bowser: Kamek would you do me the honors

Kamek: Of course your Majesty

He use some of his magic and made the human float right in front of me. I look at him more clearly and my mind can't help but scream at me saying that I know who this is.

Bowser: What Is your name?

Luigi: M-m-my na-name is Lu-lu-luigi

Bowser Mind: The name is even familiar gosh I know this human but I don't know where

I slowly walk up to him and gently place one of my claws right under his chin

Bowser: Well Luigi I don't think you heard but this guy is going to be ruling the world soon.

Luigi: O-oh ya yay

Bowser: But there is one little problem. There a human running around with my Fiancee and he so happens to be wearing the same thing ad you, do you know him

Luigi: If you think I would know anyone who wearing the same getup as me and have there first initial printed on the top of there hat because I don't.

I look at him and then move my claw and grab his mustache, ripping a small piece of his hair from it. He let out a small yelp before looking at me with fear in his eyes. I then grab a huge chunk of his mustache ready to rip it off.


Luigi: His name is Mario His Name Is Mario he My brother


Luigi: I don't know I don't know

At this point Luigi was in tears as he was shaking in fear but he couldn't move due to Kamek spell on him.


Luigi: I don't know maybe

With that I rip another chunk of his mustache making him scream from the pain before Kamek let go of the spell making him fall hard on the floor.

Bowser: Guards take him to the dungeon

Koopa Guards: Right Away Sir

They took the human away but I notice something fell from his pocket as he was taken away.

I got up and grab it. I then notice something about it that made me freeze up a little bit.

Bowser: Kamek if you need me I will be in my room I need to check on something

Kamek: Alright sir

With that I walk out of the throne room and went to go find my bedroom.

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