Chapter 6: Time Flies

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No One Pov:

After that day, the day of the Incident things started to change. Bowser and his people had enough of this abuse and have decided to fight back.

The ended up destroying the kingdom they were at and leaving nothing behind. When Luigi heard of this, he was upset because there were innocent people in that kingdom that did nothing wrong but to bowser everyone just step aside and let the cruelty happen to his people.

Luigi: I get it you want to protect your people but why is attacking the kingdom going to keep your people safe. I mean aren't you scared that they might call war or if there allies?

Bowser: Oh don't worry about that because I made sure it was all taken care of. I won't let nothing bad happen to my people and nothing bad happen to you

Luigi: *sigh* so what is the plan now?

Bowser: Well I am sick and tired of people treating us as if it's nothing. So I will make sure that doesn't happen again.

Luigi: And how are you going to do that?

Bowser: By taking over the world

Luigi: WHAT!?

Bowser: I know it might sound crazy but there are power ups out there in the world that will make you powerful and do anything you want. If I get my hands on those power ups then there will be nothing stopping me.


Bowser: I know your scared but I can't stand to see anyone from my kingdom suffer any longer. So are you with me or against me Luigi?

Luigi: *sigh* I may not like it but I will join you.

Bowser: Good

Luigi Pov:

After that day things change. Bowser would start attacking kingdoms looking for this super weapon while leaving me and his kids behind. Oh ya did I forget to mention he have kids.

I mean sure getting ready for battle is very important and all but you need to get that family should come first. I mean he almost miss Larry birthday because of this super weapon.

When he finally found the weapon, it look like a star and when he told me the powers of the star, I knew there was no stopping him.

Mario Pov:

Hi my name is Mario Mario and I know plumbing can be expensive of times that why you should call in the Mario bro plumber.

I watch as my commercial add pop up on screen before the news started. I look down to see a photo of my brother and I when we were younger.

Mario: I miss you Lu. Where did you run off too?

If you don't know I have a brother name Luigi. He my younger brother and he went missing at suck a young age. People thought he was kidnapped but no one could find him. I still have hope that he out there somewhere just living his life but I'm not to sure.

I then saw the news about the flood that happening in Brooklyn and decided to try and be a hero. When I got there, I ended up falling down into the pipe line ground floor.

Mario Mind: Great now I need to find a way out of here

I look around and saw a pipe that seem to be different from the other ones. I got a closer look to it and I felt air from it. Before I knew it, I got suck in.

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