Growing up

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You know me so well, even though you're only known me for almost 2 years, it's amazing and you know things that my best friend of 14 years doesn't seem to know I don't know why you listen to me so much

You smile at me as I rambled at the lunchroom table. You sit next to me with a smile on your face you're blushing I don't know why your face looks flustered it looks like you've been running, but we haven't even had gym class yet. The day goes on you seem to not realize that I've been staring at you for at least 30 minutes now you seem so pretty I admire you from a far

I used to admire you a lot in middle school, staring at your pretty eyes and your curls as the way they curled is so unique I love them to the moon and back it was amazing that you never caught me reading our messages but I'm pretty sure you know since your reading this. You're gonna realize that I had which is never going to bother me I want you to know.

You know since we don't sit together in  the lunchroom since we didn't really talk much you sat with other people and so did I, I sat with a group of boys while you sat with a group of girls you always seem to look at me funny when I touched one of the boys arms, but that didn't really seem to bother me I like the way you look at me whether it be in a jealous way, or in a sweet way

Although I could never really realize if you were jealous of the guys who were touching my arm, or if you were jealous of the fact that I was touching them, you even got jealous when I did handshakes with some of my guy friends, it doesn't bother me at all, it just showed that you cared

You know, I never really thought of the jealousy proportion of you. You told me that you had bad jealousy. I never seen her until that night that you texted me when I was at my concert I was sitting next to the girl, you strictly told me never to sit by or talk to. I had no choice. You texted me. You were angry with me. I cried that night, I never wanted to see you angry at me again, but yet I never mentioned that night to you until three days after that when we were on the phone

I tried to laugh about the situation, trying to make me forget about me crying because you yelled at me, it made me feel so little,  you stop talking for a little while the call was silent as my giggles could be heard on the other side of the phone you said in a stern voice "that isn't funny I'm sorry that I did that I really didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me" you begged for me to forgive you, for someone who says they never beg, you beg for my forgiveness?why..?

The one thing that we did change in our lives was chasing after each other I finally stopped running and you finally stop chasing me, both of caught our breath instead, we sat on the floor together and held our hands together as we promised each other that we would stay together

You know you're really improved on a lot you started to realize you were more than enough and worth more than gold you improved on being healthier you stopped a lot of things and I'm proud of you for that because that was a big step. You never really truly did anything to ruin your life you were just trying your hardest to stay alive and I understand that because we were in middle school back then, but now we're in college together to say the least. I thought you never go to college which I'm surprised you're here, you told me you were going to drop out your mom wasn't really happy about that but she understood

You help me get to college you let me use your car while you drove me to school because you didn't trust me with your car which I understand because I can't drive I suck at driving and you even told me that you would rather teach me how to drive my own car then let me touch your car

This one morning I woke up for a morning class and you weren't a morning person. You hated waking up in the morning decided that I was going to walk to my college campus even though it was like 2 miles away. I didn't wanna wake you up you had a hard work shift last night.

You woke up, instinctively feeling my body leave the bed and you started getting ready in the tiredest voice that you had you said "get ready for school I'm gonna drive you there." Your smile seemed very faint.I appreciated the gesture. I loved the fact that you drove me to school, today was going to be different, though than I thought it would be.

You made me an outfit the night before just to make sure no one would see some thing they weren't allowed to see you were like a teacher having a strict dress code during class you didn't let me wear short skirts you would rather me wear something that covered my whole body, then let me wear short skirts, You dress me up in ripped jeans that made me look cute with a top that said "SWEET LADY DEATH.." on it, it was a baggy shirt. Of course you never let me wear crop tops outside unless you were with me

I always love the fact that you're protective over me and I liked how you didn't let people see what was yours I had tattoos on my skin by now so you also wanted to cover my tattoos so I looked nice and presentable because the tattoos I got weren't presentable, My arms were covered in tattoos whether it be my brother or you I had your birthday tattooed on the side of my heart then I had my brothers birthday tatted on my arm. Of course then I had a lot of inappropriate tattoos like women having sex on my side and on the other side, your name being printed and then on my Neck, some thing for you also, I'm not gonna get into details though because details arent important but you made sure that I wore clothes that covered some of my tattoos. You couldn't cover my hand tattoos because they're were on my hands and you really couldn't cover my neck tattoo either but you tried your hardest. That's all that matters to me.

Instead of taking me to my campus, you took me to the mall and you bought me more crop tops, jeans and on top of that a new pair of shoes I asked you where you got the money you told me not to ask questions, and then I remembered that you probably did "business" with your brother, which I don't blame you money's money, even if it's dirty

Then you took me into a lingerie store and bought me some goodies you told me they were for later on tonight I didn't believe you because we haven't done that in like three weeks so I didn't really think much of it. You bought me a black shirt with matching thigh highs And you made sure what you bought me was able to rip easy and it was

After you bought me at least three sets of the same set you took me home you turn on a movie and you turned on my favorite Disney movie. I know it sounds like I'm a child, but you knew how to heal my inner child and that's what you always did for me You cooking breakfast and then told me to come and eat and after that you ran me a bath and made sure I was relaxed this to me was new because I never knew you wanted to baby me more than you actually did after you did that you played with my hair and made sure it was dry when you dried it properly which is hard for me to even do to say the least then you put me in the set you got me and you helped me in it I'm not gonna say what we did after but I'm pretty sure you get the hint


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