Going home

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I walk down my street holding your hand hoping this moment never ends, I feel myself slipping away from this moment as I blink and I'm alone no one around not even my little sister. Usually I would walk her home from school, but she's not even with me no one is.

I continue walking I look around me seeing that your not here, I feel alone..is it bad that I wish you never left me in that moment..? Why did I have to blink and change the moment? Why does everything have to be so different?

I continue to walk but I feel I've been walking for hours, I've gotten nowhere, I ask myself "why does it feel like I've been walking down this street for hours?" The snow makes it hard to wanna be walking for this long, the cold weather makes my finger tips feel cold, my jacket doesn't feel like it's helping.

I check the time '3:20 pm' my phone plays music in my headphones as I walk I regret coming to school today..it's so cold and I'm getting nowhere!

I realize my mom hasn't texted me to see where I was, no one had texted me to see where I was..? Why is no one worrying about me?! I feel hopeless, I feel so tired that I sit on the snowy ground and lean against a tree, falling asleep cold and alone..

I wake up with a headache and a blanket on my back? "Where am I..?" I question it doesn't feel like I'm under the tree anymore? It doesn't feel cold anymore, I look up and see the sun shining not only was the sun shining, but it didn't feel like winter. It felt like spring not yet warm, but also not yet cold it felt nice and welcoming, but I didn't understand it was too quiet. No dogs were barking. No one was outside.

I continue to walk down the street that I had continue to walk before this time. It only felt like minutes before I reached my house. I walked inside. No one was home not even the car is outside my brothers car was missing also so I assumed that he was away as well. The food in the fridge looked like it would only last me a week I contemplated I want to do. I check the cabinets. This look like it push me a few days past week, but I would need to go to the store, but with what money?

A week in a few days past and magically I ran out of food. I sit on my bed and contemplate what I should do but it's weird. I realize that not a sound or a peep has been made since I came home a week ago I go outside and I walk to the store near my house and walking to the drug mart. No workers are in sight , I wonder around seeing that nobody is in the store. I start packing food into a bag then when I think I have enough food that I like I go back home I turn on the television I go and watch a movie I start to try to distract myself.

I eat dinner per usual I made noodle soup it's weird to make since it's spring but that's what I was craving. It was either that or trying to order pizza but since it didn't seem like no one was in town I just didn't know what I would do. I start walking around my house, contemplating what I should do a walk up the stairs and going to my parents bedroom. I lay in the bed smelling my mom's perfume. It felt nice and comforting since no one was here.

I slept in their bed for the remainder of the day because I didn't know what to do and I was too shaken up to even eat anything I knew if I ate anything I'd throw up so that would be a waste of food, but I could just go back to the story if I really needed to that didn't really matter to me I started reading through old text messages between people that I really loved. I missed everybody. I hope everybody miss me too because I don't even think anyone's worried about me. I would've been fine by now if anyone was worried about me.

I thought that maybe everyone had just been playing hide and seek and I was a seeker,  I sucked at playing hide and go seek if I was the one seeking I turned on music and started blasting it realizing that I could do whatever I wanted when I wanted to. I decided that it was a longshot, but I texted my girlfriend, hoping she would respond to my text because no one would respond to me I texted everybody in my contacts yet  nobody ever did.

I texted her the texting bubble of responding showed up. I was so happy then it disappeared. I felt every single morsel of hope that I had disappear and all of a sudden three minutes later a text showed up ' Hey is there something you needed? I've been really worried about you. You really haven't called me or text me or anything' I felt so happy to hear that she missed me. She's been really worried about me.

I happily replied with a smile on my face, my face fell red and hot, I felt flustered in every way possible! I felt my smile widen and grow every second that I kept typing 'oh sorry I just didn't know if you wanted to see me to be honest..'

Then we never stopped talking from that moment on, I was still alone with no one in town but still I felt like she was here with me..

She suggested that she visit me sometime this weekend, I happily said 'Oh! Yes that's a great idea!!' I felt my body heat up and my heart pound as she said that suggestion

Later that weekend I got the house ready, the moment I heard the doorbell ring I opened the door happily to my surprise she seemed happier than usual, her hair is nicely done and her clothes look well and she smells like lavender or a warm bonfire!

She comes in slowly and smiles at me, she held me in her arms, I hug her tightly not wanting this moment to end, I feel at ease or at peace like all my problems drifted away...

𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓱 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝓱𝓸𝓶𝓮

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