Soul tied

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I guess the saying right person wrong time really went into my future with you. I guess that's just what happened. I really wish that wasn't what happened because you were perfect for me. You made me believe that life was actually something worth living. You made me believe that the world wasn't all coldhearted and ugly You made me believe that I was worth trying for.

And that's amazing that I actually found somebody who could make me believe that I was worth trying for you made me happy you still do we don't talk like we used to and that's OK. I just want you to be happy and if this makes you happy then, so be it I don't wanna force you to be with me. I'm just happy you're still around. Can you check on me from time to time when you get a bad feeling about me not being OK

Which could be a sign that mean you're still soul tied the first time you told me that you knew that I was crying was weird believe it or not I didn't believe you until it happened a second time and you told me that I was crying over text you said that you know that I wasn't OK and you knew that. I was crying even though that we weren't on the phone even though that I was texting like normal you knew something was wrong you called me you stayed on the phone with me you made sure I didn't do anything stupid or anything that could hurt me

Sometimes I wish I didn't listen to your soft and delicate words, I just continue to listen over and over again.. I hate that we're soul tied! Why did we do this? How did we do this..? I don't understand why you want me? Or need me..I'm tired of being needed by you. I hate being needed by someone like you, I hate how I used to LOVE being needed by you, but you made me tired of being needed I rather not be needed by anyone. If I never spoke maybe I wouldn't have been needed by you or anyone!! I just don't want to be needed I hate being needed and I wish I was different. I want to be cold hearted, I want to stop caring or being worried, if I stop worrying and caring than I can finally be happy. I don't wanna stop loving you though that's the whole reason I haven't hurt or turned off my feelings. Why do I stay like this? I don't know if your happier with or without me.. I can't tell either I try so hard for the both of us and in the end I end up alone, you know I hate being alone so why did you ghost me? Why did you leave me? I thought you "loved" me I hate how you know when I cry! I hope I'm not the reason you have pain in your chest or tears in your eyes I don't believe that I could cause you pain.. I hate that I do.

I hate my heart and how it craves you and only wants you! Why can't you just let me know if you actually need or want me because I wanna know if you need me to stay. I wanna stay and I wanna love you but you won't stay my girlfriend long enough to see how I have enough love for the both of us please let me love you in the way I can and in the language you speak, I want you even if you hurt me mentally or physically I want you..

I know it's bad because I wouldn't do this if it was anyone else this is a new feeling to me. Honestly I don't know why I get so attached to you so quickly you just gave me this sense of safety. I feel like I could only find that one person you're one in 1 million chance I honestly don't think I'll ever find anyone like you. I don't want to be there you hurt me like no other my heart has bruises from scars that really shouldn't be there. You made me feel like I am back being five years old again waiting for my dad to pick me up. I hate how you and him go hand-in-hand with things. I really shouldn't be hand-in-hand in you take years to respond he takes years to realize that the love he needs are from his kids yet I sit here and do nothing.

𝓽𝓲𝓮𝓭 𝓾𝓹

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