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Lately, I just don't seem to know who you are anymore. Your face doesn't look familiar your voice sounds different and you hurt me knowing that it will hurt me.

Lately, you've been complaining that you don't know who I am and that I'm acting different. You saying you don't know this version of me when really I don't even know who you are anymore either you scare me.

I like how people used to say don't trust everyone because people can be rude and mean and horrible and this, that and the third, but because of also stranger danger I'm starting to believe that I should've listen to those people because I don't know who you are

It seems like now you've become a stranger to me we barely talk, and on top of that feels like you barely have time to talk to me when we're on the phone together and I get it people get busy but at least if you're gonna call me, don't make it like you're going to sound busy!

Lately, it seems like you ignore my good morning text I'm starting to wonder if I should even send them anymore because it doesn't even seem like you read them. You give me a short response maybe just a "good morning" or "morning" depending how you're feeling i'm starting to think that I don't make you happy anymore..

Lately, I realize that me and you both are changed, you complain that you don't know who I am anymore and that I'm acting so different. Well, I don't even know who you are you're acting strange you're not my girlfriend you're a version of her but you're not her you have her smile, her eyes, her tone of voice, but you don't always keep that act up , it's like you're acting to make me believe that you are my girlfriend well I don't believe you, because you're a stranger to my eyes you always will be because my girlfriend is nothing like you

My girlfriend is nice and kind and welcoming and her smile brings joy to the world while you when you smile, it seems forced, seems like you're angry and I get that you're mad at the world and I get that you're angry at a lot of people but I'm not one of them so please Spare me your anger. Let me keep your sorrow and let me bring you happiness let me in..let me help you find peace

Lately, I've started to realize that you complain when I start acting nonchalant, but really like you said I am your mini me I act just like you I'm just repeating the behavior that I've seen I'm not acting nonchalant I'm acting like you and if you don't like it then don't act nonchalant towards me because I take up on mannerisms. I take up on behavior and I will copy that behavior if I see fit And I look up to you so much that I wanna act and look just like you and talk like you. You're my number one person that I looked up to all of my year yet when I do act like you, you don't like it.

I love acting like you because it's funny to me. I find it lovely because I figure out new things about you that I've never learned. Sometimes I wish if you just knew that I was a sensitive person that you would know not to act nonchalant towards me, because I will hurt you if you keep acting this way, and I know I will because I've done it before and I don't mean to , I really don't mean to hurt you. I don't mean to make you say that you don't know who I am, I really don't mean it I love you I promise with all of my heart I do it's just if you want things to change you have to as well.

And I get that you don't like changing, but in order for us to work out, you got a stop acting nonchalant towards me, my soft soul can't take it anymore. It hurts and I know it's a part of you that I have to accept but it hurts, you are hurting me to try. I've been trying to accept the fact that you're nonchalant and that you won't change , but sometimes it hurts to know that you won't even change for me and that you won't change for anyone but I wish you would for me because I really do love you but I guess it doesn't matter at least in the situation

And I can't use any of that against you and I know I can't and even if I tried that would be narcissistic and I'm not that type of person. I love you too much to hurt you to a point that you can't even go back I don't want to do that. I want you to thrive and be happy and find peace and you told me you did and I'm happy for you, but I don't like that you're acting nonchalant towards me , my soft soul can't take it anymore and my soft soul is so in pain that to the point I don't even know who you are.

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