Chapter 39

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Song list:

Someday - The Summer Set

Aftertaste - Shawn Mendes

Autumn's POV

"Autumn! I'm going to get the remainder of our stuff in the dorms. Do you want me to do anything else while I'm out?" Emmi asks while looking for her keys. I shake my head, thinking that she's going to look up and see me. As always, she doesn't see me. "Autumn!" she yells, hitting me in the head. "Ow! I was shaking my head!" I cry, rubbing the spot where she hit me.

She glares at me. "Remember, speak to me when I'm not looking at you or else I assume you're not talking to me." Sounding a lot like a mother.

"Sorry! Sorry. Sorry.....I have a lot on my mind okay?" I say, still rubbing the back of my head. It wasn't a lie. I really did have a lot on my mind. She raised an eyebrow at me, unconvinced at my so-called excuse. "What exactly is clogging up that mind of yours, hm?" I open my mouth to say what I was thinking, but closed it. What I'm thinking about is what you don't want me to think about...

" Graduating and stuff. It's overwhelming, it's like we ended our freshman year of college a few days ago", I lie. Well, actually not really a lie. That was one of the things that was on my mind. It's crazy, so much happened to me the first year of my college, and the summer after that, and then my last three years have gone by in a blur. I thought that it was only a high school thing, school whizzing by quicker than you expect it, but nope college did too. Now I have to be an adult, gross.

To catch up to the present time, I transferred schools because my college in New York wouldn't accept me back, heaven knows why. So I decided to go to school where Emmi goes. Luckily I was smart enough to be in the same level as Emmi, meaning I didn't have to start again as a freshman and having to study longer in college. I loved it too, L.A. was a place that I absolutely adored. I also have memories here that I don't want to let go.

Special memories....

"College being over? Oh yeah, I kinda forgot about that", Emmi said, shrugging her shoulders. I let go of the breath I was secretly holding. "We're your birthday's coming up!" I freeze. What was today? I look at the calendar and blink.

I just realized what month it was. it was the beginning of June, June 1st. My birthday was on the fifth. I'm turning 21 in four days. Oh my.

Emmi saw the shocked look on my face and smirked. "You forgot your own birthday? Wow, you really do have a lot on your mind if you forgot the most important day of the year: the day you were born." I smack her and shoo her out the door.

I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I click my home button to see who it was.

New iMessage from Parker

Hey Tom, let's hangout :) You don't have a choice bc I'm outside rn, so be ready in 5

I beam at Parker's text. He knows when to come when I need someone.

I met Parker about a year ago when I went to work at Starbucks. I was new and I really didn't know how to make a frappuccino, so he pitied me and helped me out. Little did I know that his pity lead to this. I'm grateful, actually. He's been with me ever since. His nickname for me is "Tom" because when we first met he said my name was like "Aw Tom". He refused to call me anything else, so I just got used to it.

I change into shorts and a tank top and hurried out the door, grabbing keys, my bag, and my flannel. I go down the stairs and meet him in the front of the complex. When I turn the corner, his smiling face greets me. "Hey Tom", he says huskily as he embraces me. He's a head taller than me, so my head rests against his chest. "Heyoooo", I say. I feel his chest vibrate from his chuckling. "You know where you wanna go?" he asks, looking down at me. I look up.

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