Chapter 37

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 Sam's POV

My ears perk up when I hear someone's muffled squeal upstairs. I quirk an eyebrow and look up to see Ms. Lee's face lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. Her smile almost looked genuine, not fake, not like a Barbie. I nudge Caspar, who was watching Bobby Flay cook a salmon very intently, and cock my head to his mom's direction. He looks at his mom and then back to me, looking confused. But not the confused that I'm in, the "I don't know what you're talking about" confused.

I roll my eyes at his oblivion and stare back at my phone, waiting for the text to signal me.


New iMessage: It's time


No songs for this chapter sorry!

Caspar's POV


I hear the crack of my door getting kicked down. I whip my head around to see police with their guns up and yelling "EVERYONE PUT YOUR HANDS UP". My mom almost fell down the stairs to see where she heard the noise. Her eyes widened when she saw the police. I tried to frown, but it was hard to because of what was happening.

"O-o-officers? What are you doing here, and why did you break down my door?" she stutters, clearly flustered that about more than 4 police guards in our room. Hey, I would be startled too if someone came into my home by kicking my door down. Three of the four had their guns  locked and loaded. I've never seen my mom look so scared until now. "Miss Lee? Can you please come with us so we can take you down to the station for questioning?"

 Sam bites his lower lip, trying to conceal a snicker. My mother's face pales. "Questioning? F-f-for what? Am I a suspect o-o-or something?"

 For someone who didn't do anything she seems like someone who did something terribly terribly wrong.

 One of the policewoman steps forward with handcuffs. "Miss, I need you to put your hands behind your back."


 My mom scooted back to the counter, trying to get a grip on it. "Why..why..why am I under arrest?!" Sam crosses his arms and steps forward as well. "You are under arrest for the disappearance of Autumn Worthe and physical abuse. Miss Lee, you're going to jail." I stare at my mom, who stares at me in disbelief.

"Caspy!! Are-are-aren't you g-g-gonna do anything? To h-h-elp me?" she's stuttering so much it's almost like she's shivering from the cold. She tries to walk towards me, but staggers as she attempts. I stare at her, my hands behind my back. "I can't help you with this, mom. You got in this mess yourself." Her eyes harden at me, something I've never seen happen. "You know just as well as I do that I'm innocent Caspar. Convince these people that I am not who they say I am or so help me-" 

"Diana", I say, trying not to cringe at using my mom's real name. She flinches at my use of her name and not "mom". I continue, "You and I both know that you're lying. You can cover all you want, but karma will bite you back in the ass. This is your karma." I say this so bluntly that I almost surprise myself on how dull I'm being. This is what she gets, she has to learn that she took it way too far. I admit, I have also....slapped Autumn.....but...I didn't consistently hit her....

Yes I have used the term my mom said, "leave a mark on the body to remind them not to piss them off", but she didn't say do it every day. I still stick to that. Just not as much as I used to because now that I think about it, if I were in that position I would not enjoy it one bit.

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