Chapter 23

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I changed the cover :) what do y'all think? - Admin Nutella

Song list:

Rude - Magic

Lovin' Start - Betty Who


Connor's POV

I laced my fingers with Autumn, my heart filling with warmth, and walked to her room. She closed the door behind her and we both sat on her bed, her legs straddled around my waist. I nuzzled her nose, staring at her. Her head tilted in question.

"What?" she asked. I smiled. "I just missed you", I simply said, gazing into her eyes. They softened as they stared back. Autumn leaned in to kiss me, our mouths lingering. I pulled away and played with her hair, twirling it in between my fingers.

I twisted my body and saw the journal she was doodling in. I picked it up and showed it to her, motioning to it to ask her if I can look at it. She didn't get the memo, her eyebrows furrowing. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Can I look at it?" I asked. Autumn bit her lower lip, pondering on whether she should let me or not. I put it down slowly. "If you don't want to it's fine", I said, stroking her cheek.

She shook her head vigorously. "No! can. You can look through it", she swiftly replied, her cheeks blushing.

I laughed. "Why are you blushing?" There couldn't possibly be anything that bad with her drawings would it?

She covered her face in her hands, not answering my question. I shrugged it off and opened her journal. The first sketch was a picture of a rose, smudged a bit and gesture sketched. The second one was a picture of a tree with a bunch of dots. What was it called....pointillism? Most of her sketches were nature related. I flipped through the pages and I saw a picture of a girl with blonde hair, laughing. She looked familiar....really familiar.

My jaw dropped, it was Emmi. A perfect picture of Emmi, shading and highlights in all. It was a beautiful portrait of Emmi, and it looked exactly like her.

I looked at Autumn, who was still on my lap, almost speechless. She nodded her head for me to continue. I flipped the page, and I saw a few more people sketches, mostly Emmi, and I hesitated on one. One of them was a sketch of Caspar, her ex (whom I haven't seen in a while), which made me cringe. I felt Autumn's touch on my shoulder as she removed her legs from around me and sitting next to me.

I continued to flip through the pages. I saw beaches, a Starbucks, and a few more stuff that I'm assuming were in L.A. I flipped and flipped and I stopped at one. I froze.

It was a boy. He was looking down with an open mouth, semi-smiling. It was sketched like he was outside. He looked happy, content, peaceful, and like he was in the middle of talking. He wore a black jacket and a dark shirt. It was me. (photo on the side on how it should look like :) )

My mouth was open for a while. I flipped the page again and I saw another photo of me. This time it was me laughing, my head tilting up and my my eyes squinting from laughter. If she took a picture of me doing this, how was she able to take it without me knowing? If not, how does she have such good memory?

I felt her finger push my chin, closing my now dry mouth. I smacked my lips a few times, salivating the dry parts inside my mouth and looked at her. Before I can even ask her how, she answered it for me.

"I took stalker pics when you weren't looking now and then. I've been sketching you for the past couple of days....because I missed you so much", she admitted quietly. I closed her journal, and I stared at the cover. I recognized the vintage papering, the flower decorations on the front of the book. It was the sketchbook I gave her for our one month anniversary. How did I not remember this?

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