Chapter 25

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No song list this chapter! Sorry haha.

Ricky's POV

I paced back in forth in my room while I waited desparately for Connor to get home. I hate how I'm in the middle of this stupid mess. Sam and Connor are my best friends and I obviously can't take sides. Autumn, who's pretty much like a sister to me, is literally in the middle between them. Honestly I felt so bad for her, she doesn't know what to do. I know how Sam feels about Connor's feelings for Autumn, and I know how Connor feels about Sam's feelings for her as well. It's just a jumbled mess.

The only person I could even really talk to this about was, of course, Emmi. I didn't want to really bring this up because today was our two months. I wanted her to enjoy her time. I planned just an outdoorsy picnic for our two months, Emmi loved simple yet romantic things. I had another thing planned too, and I hope she'll love it.

I was shirtless as I was looking for a top to wear. I had just found a good shirt when heard my phone ring in my back pocket. I took it out and looked at the screen. I smiled, answering it.

"Hey baby", I said, feeling her smile through the phone. "Babyyy", she cooed on the other line. My heart skipped a beat. "Are you ready?" I asked, eager to pick her up. She made an "uuuuh" noise. She usually makes that noise when she's not sure if she's really ready. This time it was a bit different.

"Um...I'm ready but..." She trailed off. I felt a strange sensation run through my chest. She never said that before. What's going on?

I fisted the T-shirt I was holding on to. "Sweetie what's wrong?" I asked immediately, my instincts kicking in. She answered. "No no nothing serious babe! It's just....the situation", she emphasized the last two words. I knew what she meant.

I released an exasperated sigh. "Again?" I loved Autumn, but honestly this chaos was getting bigger and I felt so bad that Emmi was dragged into this.

"I know I shouldn't worry Ricky but I feel so bad...Autumn was never put in a situation like this and as her best friend I feel like I'm obligated to help her", she said.

I cracked my fingers, sighing again. "I know babe I know... I feel the same about Connor. But both Sam and Connor are my best friends and I can't really side with one of them either. Connor had texted me saying he was going to Sam's apartment to talk to him. When I called Connor to clarify he sounded pissed as hell, and he refused to let me stop him."

Yesterday Autumn had told Emmi and I that Sam told her he loved her. Emmi was gawking and speechless. She didn't really know much about the whole Sam situation, which made me feel kind of bad. I had to explain to her in the car.

Emmi at first said she was jealous because she never got that much attention before. She had gushed on how it was like in the movies and two guys fought for the girl's love, with the girl stuck in the middle. Of course I told her that real situations are never like the movies.

I told Emmi the story from start to finish. She didn't think of it like the movies after that.

"Babe I'm just concerned about her and Connor... She told me something she was planning to say to him for their two months tomorrow but she doesn't wan to anymore because she doesn't know what Connor's reaction will be", she said. Her voice sounded like it was full of....hope?

I got curious. "What's she gonna tell him?"

Emmi giggled. "She told me that she thinks she loves him."

I felt my lips turn up into a smile. I felt relief wash over me. At least I know where Autumn's feelings lie: with Connor, and it should stay with him. That relief drained away quickly.

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