Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ren's POV

Today was absolute hell compared to last night. I hadn't been awake for long, but both Montaro and I were scrambling around in a frenzy attempting to calm down the incubus who'd just woken up only minutes ago. Montaro tried to hold him down on the bed as he reassured him in a stern voice, "Stay still! You'll open up your stitches if you keep moving. We aren't planning to harm you, you're safe here." This in turn made the blue-haired being grow even more furious, "If you're not planning to hurt me then why in the hell won't you let me go? I bet that once you get whatever you want from me you'll throw my ass back to the fucking wolves, right? Maybe you'll even use me as some hostage too. I'd rather you hurry up and end me now than wait for whatever it is that you have in store for me."

His pink eyes were blazing in fury as his pupils formed into thin slits. Balling my fists up, I shook my head at his accusation, "Why in the hell would we kill you after we spent most of the weekend trying to help you stay alive? All we just want is to ask you about what's going on." As he was listening to what I said, his eyes shot over in my direction and his voice grew tense, "The Defect. Ha, I should've known that bastard who gave you those bodyguards had put a sigil on your dumbass. Was it funny watching me humiliate myself because you knew I couldn't even put a scratch on you?"

It wasn't a surprise to hear that he knew about Mr. Kenji. My eyes narrowed as my tail lashed and I started to defend myself, "It wasn't. Do you really think it was fun for me to watch you almost die when I couldn't stop you? I didn't want the sigil to go off unless it was a last resort! I didn't even want to fight in the first place but you gave me no choice!" The fur on my tail prickled in frustration at the bedridden being. It felt like he was putting all of the blame on us even though he was the one who was about to kill me and whoever else he'd been targeting. The incubus only scoffed in annoyance as if he didn't believe a single word I said. Before I could say anything more, Montaro quickly cut in, "That's enough. What's the use in arguing with a patient who just woke up? Ren, go and get a glass of water for him before you both end up in some sort of scuffle."

Huffing out of my nose, I glared at the incubus and quickly shook my head sighing. Right. He's a patient. But even though that's true, he definitely isn't acting like one. Stiffly turning around, I rubbed the back of my neck saying, "Fine...I'll be back in a second." Forcing myself to walk out of the bedroom, I left the door behind me slightly ajar when I hurried over to the kitchen. Opening the cabinet above the counter, I pulled out one of the unused and new cups my mom had given me. Shutting the door softly, my eyes landed on the dispenser on the fridge door.

I remembered seeing Montaro use it earlier. Walking over to it, at the same time I kept hearing the incubus kicking up a fuss again with the vampire. Reading all the settings, a green light shone above the one that said water. My ear twitched and I finally pushed the cup against the lever and cold water started spilling out of the nozzle filling the cup up in no time. Sighing one more time, I made my way back to the room. Just when I opened the door again, I saw the Incubus wrapped tightly in a bundle of blankets. It looked like he couldn't move an inch, as if he was wrapped in a cocoon.

Raising an eyebrow at them, I asked turning toward the vampire, "Uh...what's going on? Why's he like that?" Montaro shot me a side-eyed look as he crossed his arms, "I grew tired of him flailing about like some fish out of water. This was the only way I could think of to safely keep him in place until he finally calmed down." Feeling a bit of sweat go down my forehead, I glanced between the both of them. Montaro wasn't fazed in the least, but the incubus looked absolutely irked. His pink eyes glared daggers at the both of us in hostility and distrust.

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