Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Ren's POV

Right when I awoke from my alarm blaring in my ears, I shot up slamming my hand over my mouth. My entire body was screaming to tell me that I was on the verge of vomiting at any moment. My ears flattened in distress as I got up from my bed at lightning speed. Running into the bathroom, I didn't bother shutting the door behind me. Feeling the strength leave my legs, I'd just made it to the toilet right in time.

Throwing my hands down on the toilet seat to keep myself stable, I immediately hurled up everything that had been in my stomach only seconds earlier. Each time my body tensed up, the more I felt the burning liquid going up and out of my throat and nose. After a few minutes, tears, mucus, and saliva ran down my face as I'd been trying to recollect myself. Ugh..fuck...Weakly trying to keep my head up, I couldn't remember the last time I'd gotten sick like this. This instance was no doubt because of the migraine from earlier.

Once I'd finally calmed down, I took in a deep breath, forcing myself to shut the toilet lid and flush. When I listened to the crashing sound of the water going down into the pipes, I realized that I still had a lingering headache. Putting a hand up to my forehead in pain, I fished my phone out of my pocket. Having been in too much pain I hadn't changed my clothes before I'd gone to bed when I got home earlier.

I needed medicine but I still felt too nauseous to move from the spot where I'd practically planted myself on the clean, shiny, tiled floor of the bathroom. There was no doubt that I looked like complete shit right now. Scrolling through all of the numbers on my phone, I hadn't realized just how many I had saved now. It was still daylight, but the sun just barely shone through the window. Trying to figure out who to call I just sat there thinking. Haru and Aki are probably still asleep right now. Mom's most likely busy, and Yuji still won't answer any of my texts or calls...Cringing at the sudden thought of him, I forced myself to think about something else quickly.

Nevermind. I'll just get it myself. I could ask the bodyguards but it's not their job to bring me shit. Besides. I have to go out and find that incubus tonight anyway. Hating myself for even thinking about bothering any of them for something so stupid, I slowly forced myself to stand up. The nausea was excruciating but I most likely wouldn't have to worry about getting sick again.

Quickly taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I finally made my way out of the apartment. The headache wasn't so bad by now but the queasiness didn't stop when I went down the elevator. As the doors opened, one of the bodyguards greeted me as usual, "Greetings, Mr. Amari. How was your rest?" Inwardly groaning, I slowly brought my hand up to say hi to him, "Hey. It was just sunshine and rainbows." Noticing the thick sarcasm swimming in my voice, he suddenly bent down a little and I saw my reflection staring right back at me in his sunglasses.

"Mr. Amari, you look pale. Are you alright?" Hearing his question, I nodded my head weakly, "Yeah I'm fine. It's nothing I can't handle. I just need to grab some medicine from the store and I should be alright-," I'd stopped speaking when he suddenly pulled out a large bag out of thin air. Blinking at it in surprise, he started rummaging through it in a hurry showing me each item he had in it, "I have a first aid kit, fever medicine, ice packs, diarrhea medicine, cold medicine..."

As he kept ranting, listing off everything, I could only stand there and stare in shock not listening in the least. These bodyguards keep surprising me in one way or another. This large and intimidating being was suddenly acting like some sort of overprotective father who was prepared for anything imaginable. A little bit of sweat was starting to form on my head at the thought of it. I just said, "...I'll just take some headache medicine if you have any."

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